Example sentences of "and [pron] [be] for " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've walked halfway across Berlin for the International Anti-War Youth Movement , and I 'm for a swim . ’
2 And I 'm for it , ’ Nevil stated .
3 My name 's Carolyn and I 'm for Director for a group exploring parenthood .
4 she was for the top of the hockey team and I were for the football
5 Erm you already had , er , the opportunity to read my letter of the eighteenth of April er , circulated with the report and accounts , which fully explains the proposals being put forward and which are for firstly increasing the authorized share capital of the company creating two new classes of preference share er , renewing the board 's authority to allot shares renewing the board 's power to modify preemption rights authorizing the company to purchase its own er , ordinary shares reducing the company 's share capital by repaying the existing preference shares er , making certain amendments to the company 's employee share schemes increasing the aggregate sum available for directors ' fees and authorizing the company to issue summary financial statements .
6 Any nonsense and you 're for it . ’
7 ‘ THIS is an ideas battle … not every one of these things can be distilled into politics — you know , who 's for this and who 's for that , and if this person is for this , somebody else has to be for that .
8 I know her now and she is for my fool 's turn that will be caught by her .
9 But the next time Cecilia saw Daphne Bleech-Palmer Tina 's words came back to her and she was for a while shy and constrained .
10 ‘ Day is done ’ is of course another Shakespearean echo , like the Dark Tower : ‘ The bright day is done ’ , says Iras to Cleopatra , ‘ and we are for the dark ’ .
11 And that 's all we had there and we were for ever getting flooded out and there we we 'd all clean our shoes before going to bed at night put 'em all underneath the sideboard or whatever .
12 One is an outright buyer , one is a partner , one is some other form of investor and one is for Kiam to stay put . ’
13 one were the one was for the artillery and one was for the infantry .
14 Suddenly one has arrived and everything is for real !
15 Brownstones cosied up to slums , police cars were armoured , and everything was for sale .
16 I walked down this ledge , walked down the stage and there 's for security guards .
17 But when , after those two years , the valley had almost imperceptibly widened and there was for the first time , not those black enclosing cliffs , but the vista of a normal life , even of happiness , a landscape over which it was possible to believe the sun might shine , she had become unwittingly embroiled in the racial politics of her school .
18 ‘ The only papers we seem to keep are bills , and they 're for the accountant , ’ Emily said .
19 And they 're for your mother , not you ! ’ she declared , incensed that he should show so little consideration .
20 And they 're for
21 Now , all these things are not just for this woman , they were for you , and they 're for me .
22 Of course , such decisions are medical matters in that they arise in the context of the professional relationship of doctor and patient , and they are for doctors to make in that the doctor is the professional ‘ on the spot ’ caring for the patient .
23 Turbin lights and they were for use of coastal command of the RAF first searchlighting for submarines , looking for submarines , the er the Harvards were very much trained as some of them came in from the Navy they were used for training landing of pilots on aircraft carriers , and they had hooks underneath you know the er they were a very good trainer they were still used today , but when we used to go and see films at the pictures they used to use them a lot as Japanese aircraft because they looked alike , and they used to use them as zeros in the American films these Harvard trainers , er and but like as I said they had a experimental department at Helliwells and they used to try out various things to see if they could improve on the structure or the instrumentation things like that
24 I liked everything about it , I liked everything about it , mind you I had sore fingers to begin with , very sore , with the filing you see , but also er I was used to thing in a way because there was a little lock shop in mother 's yard er and erm home-made er home-made locks and he used to er and now he used to do them and stamp them and I us I worked his hand press for him before I was fourteen and they were for and they are still and my mother used to take them to Birmingham and erm I think he used to give me sixpence for doing everything I did for him .
25 Oh yes , oh yes yes erm and I 'm on about er on about , for one thing , but you 'd be surprised er it 's the biggest and most elaborate trade of any in the world , locks and keys , I say that very firmly because er there 's no limit , there 's no extent and you , there might be required anything and as I say er I er I had these locks for the asylums and that , you know and er I thought I mentioned it before , I made fifty fifty locks all different and I had to number them and keep a record of them and er I had a , you had the keys on a wire , numbered one up to fifty and they was for big , big asylums , you know what I mean and er they could go in one ward , I 'm on about places where they 'd have twenty or thirty people , you know and er there 's only one bloke could get in there .
26 GRAMOPHONE has published a number of Rust 's discographical works , including British Dance Bands on Record , 1911–1945 ( in association with Sandy Forbes ) , and he was for many years a regular contributor to this magazine .
27 They had one son and three daughters ; their son , John Bridge Aspinall , became a QC , as did his grandfather of the same name , and he was for five years the city remembrancer until his early death in 1932 .
28 But that would be a strictly literary question ; and it 's for raising quite other questions that this book is momentous and irreplaceable .
29 ‘ I respect the fact that The Jam can touch people and what they 're doing is an attempt to be ‘ real ’ — no myth or far-fetched fantasy — and it 's for real people , not people who follow trends .
30 ‘ It 's in their interests to address the issue and it 's for them to decide whether change is cost effective , but it 's in our interests too . ’
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