Example sentences of "and [noun] for other " in BNC.

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1 This is because a socially and economically dominant group is best able to engage in and control all aspects of contemporary culture , setting norms and values for others .
2 The tireless charity worker , who had been suffering from a long illness , had overcome his own difficulties to talk of his hopes and plans for others .
3 ( It is probable that the majority of idioms began their lives as metaphors ; and synchronically , transitional cases , which are idioms for some and metaphors for others , are not uncommon .
4 If you find you have a problem and can not hostess your group meetings as arranged , PLEASE contact the organiser who will help you , if at all possible , to find another venue nearby to avoid frustration and disappointment for others .
5 The modern distinction between leader and manager , between the person who creates meanings and goals for others and the one who administrates information and decisions , is clearly a result of this value-orientation being strong .
6 I have still got the thoughts and prayers for others who are left in Iraq , who are very ill and very , very old , and er I hope they will be with their family like my husband is going to come with me today , and I think it 's a very very happy news .
7 Child benefit will be frozen at £9.65 for the first child and £7.80 for others when Chancellor Norman Lamont unveils next year 's spending package .
8 It 's a problem common to lesbian and gay organizations that there is often a handful of stalwarts without whom things seemingly would not survive , and yet reliance on such martyrdom leads to over-involvement , resentment and burnout for the martyrs and under-involvement , resentment and alienation for others .
9 A girl who uses her hands and heart and head for others .
10 Field dependence tends to arise in those who are more socialised and group-orientated in a society which emphasises order ; these people tend to have stronger perceptions and feelings for others .
11 Human beings have a need to feel valued , to possess self-esteem , to experience affection and warmth for others and to be liked and loved in return .
12 Keating 's gospel breeds hope for some , frustration and despair for others .
13 Thus , a theory of the tides based on the moon 's attraction was good science for Newtonians but bordered on occult mysticism for Galileo , whilst in contemporary society , Marx 's theory of historical change is good science for some and propaganda for others .
14 It all added up to the fact that below Silas 's cool exterior there was warmth and compassion for others .
15 On the one hand there are the conventional rules of good manners and of correct behaviour ; on the other , the rules concerning sympathy and respect for others , keeping faith , honesty , and so on .
16 Nor did compassion , consideration and respect for others .
17 He says good manners are self-respect and respect for others , and not doing anything to offend other people .
18 Mr Lang is also expected to turn his criticism on parents who neglect their children 's education and who fail to teach right from wrong and respect for others .
19 For CDs over one year maturity spreads are generally wider , 10 basis points in the dollar market and in the sterling market ⅛ for the clearers and variable for others .
20 Attitudes are changing and concern for others is re-emerging from the recent dark decade .
21 With a feeling of trust comes , among other things , the ability to recognise personal strengths and weaknesses , the development of self-respect and faith in oneself , the development of respect and concern for others ; all of which are essential for the establishment and maintenance of human relationships , and are basic to the AL of communicating .
22 The argument also ignores the type of considerations that might determine the present non-use of these sophisticated weapons , such as the fear of complete destruction and total annihilation , rather than a greater degree of ahi sā , or love and concern for others .
23 In preparing your child for his or her future we are aware of the need for sound academic knowledge and understanding alongside courtesy , good manners and concern for others .
24 People of my generation were brought up to admire the sacrifice of life and happiness for others , the hope that we can live up to what this means in ordinary , dull practice .
25 Habits of good manners , honesty and consideration for others , which a child acquires by imitating the good examples set by his parents , will stand him in good stead all his life .
26 Introducing change , however , calls for patience , sensitivity and consideration for others who may not have had the opportunity to move on in their thinking .
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