Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] are " in BNC.

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1 In recent years sociolinguists have shown a fair amount of interest in models of variation and change which are based on the notion of lexical diffusion ( Chen 1976 ; Wang 1969 ; Labov 1981 ; J. Milroy 1981b ; Trudgill 1986a : 58 ) .
2 Readings such as Paula Bennett 's enable us to see that Dickinson 's Poems and Inventing Ourselves are both Books of Revelations .
3 When we start with the basics , any short cuts to understanding and drawing them are valuable .
4 The general picture which emerges is one in which , whilst a considerable amount of assistance does pass between relatives , the procedures for asking for , offering and accepting it are quite tricky to handle in practice .
5 People rightly sound off about politics on television and the last two weeks have shown how sharp and articulate they are .
6 In the area of competition and canvassing there are three general headings under which the courts will examine the existence of reasonableness of a restraint : 4.1 Restricted activities If the employer seeks by contractual restraint to restrict the activities of a former employee by proscribing the types of business in which the employee may become engaged once employment is over then he can only do so if he can establish a close connection betwee the restriction and the work done by the employee prior to leaving .
7 I am pleased with the progress to date and trust you are not finding the process too disruptive .
8 Half starved and half blinded with glare and flies they are in a sorry condition of thirst and misery .
9 Many men become anxious about the lack of spontaneous erection and diminished ejaculation , and fear they are becoming impotent .
10 Diffusing knowledge and acquiring it are as much an art as a science , processes influenced by variables which can not be measured as much as by those which can .
11 The new appointments demonstrate a commitment by the Saatchi brothers to restore the company 's fortunes and suggest they are a long way from turning their backs on the business they built .
12 And in the first day of life they tend to sleep an awful lot , right , so newborns tend to be sleepy and inactive and the things that , that wake babies up and warm them are feeding , crying , limb movement .
13 And say we are coming in no time at all . ’
14 which one identifies , there 's a kind of feeling erm you know , we 're , we 're the members and there 's something special about us and er at the best we 're sorry for the non-members , we 'd like to have more of them and so we might proselytize and preach the gospel , you know you know throw away your idioms , become or in the worst possible way we might be an exclusive group and say we are , we are erm special , we are we , we know the truth and everybody else is infidels and you know they should be killed or driven out or or in some ways discriminated against because they 're wrong and we 're right .
15 Dumenil fund managers have called in accountants Touche Ross to investigate the pricing problems and say they are ‘ optimistic ’ that they will be resolved within this time frame but are giving ‘ no guarantees ’ .
16 Thus those within the sector will wish to pay particular attention to what the sector 's players say , do , and say they are going to do .
17 The peace activists hope to stop a nuclear convoy leaving the base , and say they are prepared to go to jail for their cause .
18 Sensations of white , for instance , are classed together , not because we can take them to pieces , and say they are alike in this , and not alike in that , but because we feel them to be alike altogether , though in different degrees .
19 That as it were milkman 's stool with three legs and each of them has a certain amount of power and it is a question of the adjustment of that power and it is not the of the power to my Right Honourable Friend , the Home Secretary and yet when things go wrong , and they do , in police forces and in local auth police authorities , what happens , people turn round to the Home Secretary and say what are you going to do about it .
20 I can not stand it any longer , if someone does not come to me I will give up and be miserable for ever and perhaps go home of my own accord , write or wire to Uncle C. and say you are coming at once pleas darling , and come on Saturday or I will give up altogether and always wretched .
21 But I could n't look at you , and say you are n't beautiful ! ’
22 Hence , the emphasis on selection today is more to identify specific clones of Pinot Noir , Pinot Meunier and Chardonnay which are best suited to each individual village .
23 Comfort eating and disliking yourself are two classic symptoms of depression , so try to work out why you started in the first place .
24 The powerboat world has been left high and dry this summer by a big red boat named Flippin Shytalk … its call sign is P69 … the only number that reads the same upside down … but the Oxfordshire crew that run and race her are on the very top of their sport at the moment …
25 It would exclude , on the other hand , those crucial processes of working and reworking which are the specifics , as distinct from the abstractable elements , of important art .
26 This region of Oct-11 is rich in the amino acids serine , glutamine and proline which are frequently associated with the activation domains of transcription factors .
27 As we see , therefore , for Spenser in both poem and tract there are explicit parallels .
28 In the beginning was television , then there was satellite and now there is cable and behold there are programmes throughout the land and there is plenteous choice .
29 ‘ However well acted and directed they are , Americans find they hold back on the emotions .
30 Saving the planet and saving yourself are indivisible .
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