Example sentences of "the [noun sg] of having " in BNC.

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1 And oh , we loved the intimacy of having them so close , close enough that when I rode my bicycle for ‘ Committee ’ through the ‘ vomitarium ’ separating one wedge of audience from the next I was able to steady myself by grasping the leg of a gentleman who had stretched it over the side .
2 Although the numbers have fallen in the last decade , a high proportion of the world 's children do not even have the opportunity of having protection from some of the major childhood killers , diseases for which vaccines are available — measles for example is a major cause of childhood mortality .
3 Then the opportunity of having an unexpected extra curate was presented to them by George Carey , then Bishop of Bath and Wells , in late July and a new leader moved with his family into the Carters ' house at the end of September .
4 And we did not want to miss the opportunity of having such a wonderful day , complete with the white wedding car .
5 so had the opportunity of having a chat with her .
6 and doing that you 're paying for the opportunity of having erm other services
7 Mr Gray said the defendants accused the peer of having disobeyed an order issued by the Allied Forces HQ on 17 May 1945 known as the ‘ Distone ’ order .
8 All editors live between the Scylla of having insufficient papers in the system to allow efficient publication and the Charybdis of taking too long to publish .
9 For most of the eighties this post was held by Robin Catford — of whom more later — who had the privilege of having the tenancy of the best room in Number 10 .
10 ‘ Someone must pay for the Privilege of having me spend valuable time in directing the operations of bone-headed policemen like you !
11 There was a reason why they had foregone the privilege of having a singing canary in the dock .
12 You have the privilege of having found a lovely woman , privileged and — you know this better than I do unique .
13 The merchants of Laon , irritated by servile taxes , offered a large sum of money to the ‘ the clerks , the archdeacons , and the nobles ’ of the town for the privilege of having a commune — a sworn association for self-protection .
14 In this atmosphere one assumes that consultants who fail to educate preregistration house officers will lose the privilege of having such a colleague .
15 We think that would be a fair way of of erm managing the fund and avoiding the case of having tame tame trustees who do what they employer tells them .
16 To borrow a phrase from a biography of Van Gogh , the writer had had the advantage of having the artist as a coauthor .
17 The advantage of having trekked with a World Challenge Expedition is that another time she will know how things ought to be planned .
18 As the incumbent leader , Mrs Thatcher possessed the advantage of having the support of the party machine .
19 Canada also has the advantage of having the highest proportion of hydro-electric power of any major industrialised nation .
20 I had the advantage of having been in the Civil Service in the war and [ was ] even offered establishment in the Treasury as a permanent thing .
21 Anyone who has given online demonstrations and experienced systems breakdown , will appreciate the advantage of having alternative ready prepared demonstration material !
22 Marie-Claire Alain makes a wonderful sound on the organ of the Vienna Konzerthaus , and at least this disc has the advantage of having been made withe the organ and orchestra in the same building .
23 That will give back EC governments some autonomy over interest and exchange rates , while enjoying the advantage of having some framework to resist the vagaries of international financial flows .
24 The advantage of having your own premastering system is that it 's much cheaper and easier to correct mistakes at the early stage , ’ explains Mr Wakeley .
25 He has the advantage of having devised a series of self-contained but effectively linked novels , full of properly casual back-references , in which he can show his hero changing with circumstances from the exuberance of a young lieutenant , to whom personal courage , seamanlike skills and informed opportunism have brought reputation and wealth , to a middle-aged man still exuberant but oppressed with financial cares and by the continual malice of personal enemies .
26 Settlement on time , with the right monies , is another area in which licensed dealers let down the clients , but retain the advantage of having the use of the clients ' money .
27 They also have the advantage of having a great many permutations and combinations and this will cut the number of correct entries to a minimum , thus making final judging much easier .
28 I have not , of course , had the advantage of having the plaintiffs ' claim explained to me by their own counsel .
29 Here you can see the advantage of having a neat hand and a tidy way of setting out your work .
30 As 91.4 per cent of records will be located in their home buckets , the advantage of having relatively few synonyms outweighs the disadvantage of there being some long chains .
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