Example sentences of "at [pron] for [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And now when it comes in a miracle , you wonder at me for looking twice , thrice , four times , to see if it comes through ivory or horn .
2 I was disappointed at this and was afraid she was still vexed at me for bringing Frankie .
3 Bryan even came to my home and scoffed at me for suggesting that he and the Duchess were lovers .
4 He laughed at me for missing out on perfect Pipe the day before .
5 She had a go at me for pulling out a You know you Just er the other week we walked from where was it ?
6 He had such a go at me for showing it my mum .
7 Probably have a go at me for smashing their microphone up .
8 ‘ He 'd sneer at you , him and his daughter , and at me for letting you go out so , and that I 'll not have !
9 ‘ Everybody in Avonlea will laugh at me for putting medicine in a cake ! ’
10 I thought you were still mad at me for carrying on my work and then I thought you were just waiting for Maria Luisa to come back before … oh , before making your decision … ’
11 Baldersdale was far too remote for any of the gentry to be interested in building a country residence there All the more accessible dales had their halls , manors and castles , but the high moors sweeping up to 1,500 feet above the valley of Baldersdale was the habitat of a creature which every aristocrat , and many wealthy merchants and other nouveau riche with aristocratic pretensions pursued , then and now , with fanatical zeal — Lagopus scoticus , feathered-footed member of the Tetraonidae family , otherwise known as the red grouse For the locals it meant an extra cash crop during the days following the Glorious Twelfth — the shillings and sovereigns tossed , somewhat disdainfully , at them for providing a back-up service , such as beating the heather to alarm the birds into the air and towards the buckshot , or placing their horses and wagons at the disposal of their lordships so that ammunition , lunch and the essential bottles of whisky could be transported to the guns and the day 's bag of slain birds brought safely to the all-important count .
12 Julia let them haul her up and stuff extra pillows behind her head , but the pain sharpened and she was hard put to it not to swear at them for hurting her .
13 anger at ourselves for taking the job
14 He was surprised at himself for looking forward to her arrival and the hard , punishing exercises ; for feeling anxious , if her coming was delayed ; for hoping she would linger a minute afterwards and talk about the weather or some unusual flurry on the corridor .
15 Rage at her , at himself for wanting her , at a war that had turned her into his enemy .
16 Preston was astonished at himself for letting it happen , but when he 'd first suggested wearing a condom Emily had said , ‘ You do n't have to , ’ and told him the story about her abortion , and he 'd felt too sorry for her , and too embarrassed , to insist on doing so for health reasons .
17 He sounded annoyed at himself for letting that slip and Ages wondered how much was genuine : the codename the slip the annoyance .
18 The only person who came to mind was the Substitute , but years of battling with arrogant , ambitious magistrates had taken their toll and he smiled ruefully at himself for having such a peculiar idea .
19 He shifted impatiently as if annoyed at himself for having to stop to think .
20 This young London , happy tonight to be among its own kind , sometimes dangled a polythene bottle of cider by the neck , laughed at itself for acting crazy on the dancefloor , and now and again tried to look thick , or stoned .
21 But not half as many as will laugh at you for writing such a loathsome , snivelling letter to the NME .
22 ‘ Oh , believe me , I do n't , ’ Shiona assured him quickly , irritated at herself for handing him that one on a plate .
23 Annoyed at herself for allowing herself to be suckered into that , Paige said nothing .
24 When she awoke she was surprised at herself for dreaming so foolishly and resolved to think less about the mysterious Mr Kettering in the future .
25 She 'd tried to read , but her attention kept being drawn to what was happening outside and , even though she was annoyed at herself for giving in so easily , she kept returning to watch Dane 's powerful figure swishing expertly across the snow .
26 Rage at a fate which prevented her from screaming and railing at him for so misjudging her , rage at him for playing this cat-and-mouse game with her , rage at herself for letting him get away with it .
27 Then she could dress herself — though Ember was right : the others laughed at her for wearing clothes in the burrow , even the other two or three towers , and their mockery made her retreat in teenage confusion when she walked shyly into the crowded common-room .
28 People had actually laughed at her for asking for a chemistry set instead of a Barbie doll or a set of Nancy Drew books .
29 Even to him it was now barely imaginable , and other eagles he mentioned it to seemed to take it as a lie and untruth , and were angry at him for trying to delude them .
30 My father read only cowboy books , dogeared and disposable , until my mother jeered at him for wasting his time .
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