Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [subord] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The fact that more than four times as many Soviet warheads were to be withdrawn as American ones gave rise to particular misgivings .
2 As I made clear in July and as the Lord Chancellor made clear , the provision of green form legal aid will be withdrawn when other services are available , but not until then .
3 Likewise Caroline Bynum , in Holy Feast , Holy Fast , her book about medieval women religious , pours a rigorous historian 's scorn on the idea that the extreme penitential fastings of some of these women can really be diagnosed as anorexic , or as any other sort of neurosis ( as proposed for example by Rudolph Bell in Holy Anorexia ) : not merely are the case histories inadequate , but these women 's understanding of their bodies , of their relationship to Christ , of their right to participate in his sufferings , of their sense of identity , their very selves , was formed in a social environment so different from our own that nothing is to be gained by reading off their lives in this way rather than exploring in proper detail what it was they did feel and think .
4 But the form as a whole should be recognized as inimical to protestants , especially when pursued in the arena of politics .
5 They believed that , in the fullness of time , as scientific thinking comes to supersede religious thinking , the whole category of the " supernatural " will come to be recognized as illusory .
6 The first of such Councils to be recognized as ecumenical by the Western Church took place in the Lateran basilica , Rome , in 1123 .
7 The most telling point against Janette Richardson 's methodical interpretation may well be that no commercial benefits to the merchant can be imputed to his generosity and hospitality towards the monk ; the monk is invited to his house simply " " to pleye … in alle wise " " , " to have fun in every way " ( 59 – 61 ) , and is able to borrow a hundred francs from the merchant even at a time when cash in hand would be particularly useful to him in his business ( 255 – 92 ) : this , significantly , is the immediate context of the merchant 's reflection : Derek Pearsall nicely describes the poignant ambivalence of a single action that is motivated simultaneously by instinctive self-interest and by the " " inner springs " " of human virtue in the Shipman 's merchant 's desire both to be and to be recognized as generous .
8 The criminal justice system projects itself above social conflicts and expects to be recognized as fair and just because it is guided by universal principles that transcend sectional interests .
9 Since the new constitution was enacted in 1937 , the prohibition on divorce has become so strict that couples who have been granted a nullity decree by Roman catholic canonical tribunals have found that they may still not be recognized as single by the state , and are thus unable to remarry in the Republic .
10 Furthermore , the separation of the great house from its neighbours , which had developed in Jane Austen 's lifetime , became the rule in Queen Victoria 's reign : ‘ A solitude in the centre of a wide park is now the only site that can be recognized as eligible . ’
11 These ‘ analytic ’ sentences can be recognized as true by someone who knows nothing other than their meaning .
12 Institutions provide a context for individuals to take on ‘ roles ’ in which their actions can be recognized as meaningful by themselves and others .
13 The context of the discourse of anthropology provides constraints on the form of a statement that will be recognized as meaningful .
14 And Chain isolated substances which could be recognized as novel and peculiar only with a considerable knowledge of chemistry .
15 The strain could , however , be eased if renewed American co-operation in atomic development work could be negotiated .
16 Other symptoms frequently seen in the sentence production of Broca 's aphasics would need to be explained as due to additional deficits in the sentence-production system ( e.g. if there is a specific problem with prefixes and suffixes , that would be seen as arising during attempts to construct the positional-level representation ) .
17 A third party may of course make diplomatic representations or bring pressure to bear upon a State to perform what it perceives to be that State 's treaty obligations with another State , although such action is likely to be resented as unwarranted interference in external affairs .
18 The announcement must not be delayed while full information is obtained ; a supplementary announcement can be issued later if necessary ;
19 Often the first application should be delayed as long as possible to avoid killing parasites and predators .
20 This is mostly conjecture ; and our opinion that the instrumental bass line of the duet was polished before publication can be dismissed as subjective .
21 There can be no undisclosed principal in international law : any such claim should be dismissed as contrary to the principle of openness in international relations , and the right of States to select their treaty partners .
22 Even before that date Eagleton 's view is suspect given the amount of occupational verse in circulation , though this material could be dismissed as ephemeral .
23 Current test methods for accessing Average Seek Times are based on several myths ; Myth-1 : All disk drive requests are random access ; Myth-2 : Only the seek portion of a random access ( the time taken to move the disk drive read/write head from one area of the disk to another ) — is relevant ; Myth-3 : New disk drive technology that does n't improve seek time can be dismissed as ineffective .
24 Overall , the associations were weak , although not so weak in young men as to be dismissed as unimportant .
25 This must not be dismissed as mere metaphor since it could also be true of the reader , for whom a health check might reveal their having suffered from a range of complaints in blissful ignorance .
26 I have great difficulty in distinguishing between my property and anyone else 's , or at least I used to , but I do not like to be dismissed as stupid .
27 Such students may seem to lack initiative and may even be dismissed as dull .
28 SOME time ago , but not so far back that it can be dismissed as incidental , a belligerent centre-half , who needed very little encouragement in such nefarious matters , was instructed to discover how fast the visiting centre-forward could limp .
29 Resistance may be dismissed as token .
30 How can Darby O'Gill be dismissed as superstitious nonsense when it is part descriptive of a society where even now devotional queues are forming to watch supposedly moving statues .
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