Example sentences of "be [adv] [verb] if " in BNC.

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2 Many common cancers can be successfully treated if detected early .
3 these writers — like John Kenneth Galbraith and Senator Proxmire — argue that the military-industrial complex is not an inevitability ; it is a cancer on the body politic which Can be successfully expunged if the people so desire .
4 Modern technologies can not be successfully used if they are simply imposed on an unwilling and underskilled workforce .
5 I think France could be badly affected if we open the scoring . ’
6 The publishing world would be badly hit if politicians did not bring forth their diaries from time to time , showing just how they reacted at the time to particular world events .
7 You can not expect to be asked the questions exactly as they appear here and you will be badly thrown if you have programmed yourself with exact responses to very particular questions which do not crop up in the way you had anticipated .
8 I 've spoken to several of the barmen , explaining our dilemma , and elicited a promise that if a couple answering to the description of Svend and your sister put in an appearance and are conversing in English the man shall be discreetly asked if he is Svend Eriksen and , if so , requested to get in touch with me .
9 The skills and disciplines to deliver each of these elements is available in Scotland , but will only be effectively utilised if they are part of our overall tourism strategy under one board and not , as now , with a variety of organisations working in partial isolation , and indeed often in competition .
10 The Raworth regenerative system could only be properly tested if the whole service was worked by regenerative cars and this was now possible .
11 Any model of skilled reading which incorporates this view can only be properly tested if the mechanism by which unfamiliar printed letter strings are translated into phonological form is described in adequate detail .
12 The ownership of archaeological finds depends on the local laws ( in some countries all archaeological artefacts are automatically the property of the state and have to be reported , while in others the finds belong to the owner of the land on which they were found ) , but whatever the ownership , each find needs to be properly recorded if it is to be of any use archaeologically .
13 We believe that results can only be properly evaluated if the problems connected with the study are made manifest rather than concealed .
14 To create a safe and reliable vehicle the brakes need uprating to LWB specification with a servo The exhaust system needs fabricating properly and all fuel lines , water pipes and wiring needs to be properly engineered If you are not a competent engineer I would recommend you did not attempt this We have seen many disastrous conversions !
15 These big events must be properly controlled if ever they take place and they must only take place with police permission and proper licenses .
16 I respect what my right hon. and learned Friend is seeking to say , but surely no true freedom would be properly fettered if there were an inhibition on the publication of names .
17 Such an order can be swiftly obtained if necessary and can be operative within 24 hours of the decision of the local authority .
18 And a society 's ideology must be constantly reproduced if the society is to survive , just as ( for example ) an industrial society must continually renovate and update its machinery and ensure that the next generation of workers is produced , kept alive and prepared for productive labour .
19 Despite this disastrous beginning , however , Giovanna would be there in the morning , her own family circumstances permitting , and she would be much obliged if the Signora would make sure that her children were up and dressed , and the breakfast eaten , so that she could see that the house was returned to something like the order which Signor Kettering expected of it .
20 Yes , we 've covered various subjects er more than once , er so much so that er I would be much obliged if you would er focus on a particular instance that I could then have an opportunity to recall .
21 Blix also said that the IAEA 's effectiveness would be much increased if member countries were to make available to the agency relevant information gathered by spy satellites .
22 So even if he believed that from an economic point of view the best decision would be to deny any recovery for emotional injury , he would still ask whether the role of law in encouraging reliance and coordination would be much damaged if he ignored the precedents , and , if it would , whether this loss would be made up in the gains he foresees from the change .
23 He did this even though the large Maronite majority in Mount Lebanon would be much reduced if the extra territories were taken from Syria .
24 The general power of precedents to guide behaviour will not be much jeopardized if judges refuse to follow them when the advice they give is garbled or murky .
25 It would be much appreciated if Mr John Devaney , managing director of Eastern Electricity explained in detail what the figure of 50p really relates to .
26 Er it would be much appreciated if you were able to attend .
27 The quality of procedures would be much improved if designers followed some simple guide-lines ( Table 1.16 ) .
28 When batches are large , overall throughput will be much improved if any runs can be converted to batched and sorted operations .
29 But the hatred they aroused meant that they were liable to be brutally slaughtered if captured afterwards .
30 First of all my physical world constrains me in so far as every other car will be travelling on the left-hand side and my progress might be somewhat impeded if I chose otherwise ; secondly , it is a rule that is being followed by every driver .
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