Example sentences of "with the [noun pl] over " in BNC.

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1 As her hair had been squashed down by her David Shilling spotted hat , she put on her prettiest blond wig with the tendrils over the forehead .
2 Austria not only had historical reasons for taking Russia 's part , but also was at odds with the Turks over the principality of Montenegro in the western Balkans .
3 This partly explains London Weekend Television 's battle with the institutions over its scheme for locking in key managers .
4 In the discussions with the monks over the qualities of Benedict as Bishop it is stated that they carefully discussed the matter with each other and also with the Archbishop at the Prior 's lodgings and also at Halling .
5 Jim stayed at the door with the clothes over his forearm , listening and waiting .
6 this company moves at such a rapid rate of knots that I have a meeting tomorrow morning with the Managing Director Building and Property Development at his house in Pitlochrie which is the only time he 's literally coming back to change his shirt before he goes wandering round the world again so the only way I can get him is to go up and stay with the in-laws over night and see him at breakfast time tomorrow .
7 Councillor Rodgers said , ‘ They are interfering with the democratic process in this by-election and seeking to buy political influence with what amounts to bribes ’ , and noted the offer was personally embarrassing for him as he negotiated as a union official with the companies over workers ' pay and conditions .
8 The 1970s witnessed a number of developments of this sort and during the days when OPEC was still negotiating with the companies over prices , a device was contrived whereby if the dollar went down , the oil price went up and vice versa .
9 We have records of frequent clashes with the Pharisees over the sabbath and other traditional observances .
10 This register of letters deals with the transactions over the imperial question and contains copies of some incoming letters ( including the above ) as well as the highly secret ones being sent out .
11 Abroad , Reagan took a tough line in bargaining with the Russians over nuclear weapons and warned the Soviet Union against interference in Poland ( CORE , pp. 95–6 ) .
12 For instance , although the Farjana tribe generally supported Magharba , one section was in dispute with the others over land rights : the Zuwaya nominated a man from this dissident section .
13 Yes , well put that with the others over there .
14 He claimed that Britain and other leading European powers are at odds with the Germans over crucial aspects of the European Commission code on community take-overs .
15 One did not have to attend school meals with the boys over the week-end if one was off duty ; and the only master who might have noticed I had been away was Méli himself , but as it happened he 'd been in Athens .
16 In the event Lin and Chiang pulled out at the last moment , prompting speculation that Lee had made a deal with the conservatives over the reform programme or over Cabinet posts .
17 Er you said you 've had a erm contact with , discussions with the officers over this and certainly I 've spoken to them a an they this is the case .
18 Both men helped found the First International Working Men 's Association , and both contributed to its collapse after twelve years by their attacks on all other forms of socialist thought and their feud with the anarchists over maintaining full-scale industrialization .
19 It was not the last argument he would have with the authorities over pay , though this was the only series he missed for that reason .
20 In a highly charged political atmosphere it was a short step from dispute with the authorities over student issues to broader criticism of the socio-political structure .
21 But in the highly-charged political atmosphere of late tsarist Russia , it was a short step from dispute with the authorities over issues of higher education to more general criticism of the socio-political structure .
22 This attitude has certainly prevailed in negotiations with the Americans over the question of agricultural protection .
23 It may be that Britain has overemphasised the potential benefits of free trade ; that she has actually benefited from the protectionist philosophy which permeates the EEC ; that being a member of a cohesive new power bloc is what has counted ; that the ‘ fight ’ with the Americans over agricultural matters is a case in point ; that had she been on her own , Britain would have been trampled over by her cousins on the other side of the Atlantic .
24 In May and June 1945 de Gaulle clashed with the Americans over the presence of French troops in Alpine regions that had belonged to Italy before the war .
25 His father quarrelled with the Colonels over some detail of graft .
26 Where the fund of damages is likely to be substantial , including future nursing costs and the like as well as loss of earnings , an accountant 's evidence can help the court to decide the multiplier , as well as the multiplicand , for example in the case of a one-man business where the accountant has been concerned with the accounts over a number of years and is in a position to give an expert opinion as to the future prospects of the business .
27 The IBOA will , of course , be tackling this particular problem in discussions with the Banks over the coming months .
28 At the same time his pathological detestation of ‘ popery ’ guaranteed that he would vote with the Whigs over great questions of policy , such as the Hanoverian succession and the war with France .
29 When normal people would have been lying in their beds with the covers over their heads , these MPs bounced on to our television screens debating the minutiae of the leadership election system .
30 She is patting Xanthe softly now , dreamily , and she stands her up and drops the nightdress with the rabbits over the little girl 's head , and turns her to fasten the top pearl button at the back .
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