Example sentences of "that at [det] time " in BNC.

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1 We spoke in earlier chapters of people 's search for meaning as they look for the person who has died , and saw that at such times a sortie into faith healing or clairvoyance is quite common .
2 It was strange , but he imagined that at such times as this , when there was only himself and his mother in the house , the building had left its base and was afloat in the air .
3 I have this theory that at such times he 's communing with the mother ship which gave him his mission on this planet , but then I could be wrong .
4 In fact it seemed that at that time ( early 1977 ) sexual examination had become common practice at Heathrow Immigration Department , apparently carried out at the whim of the officials .
5 Analysis of air bubbles trapped in the ice of the Antarctic at the time of the last Ice Ages , and now buried deep beneath the surface , show that at that time CO 2 levels were extremely low .
6 That is to say , I did not take sufficient account of the fact that at that time of the day , what Mr Farraday enjoys is a conversation of a lighthearted , humorous sort .
7 A great advertisement , you might think , for the use of steroids — except that at that time she did n't use them .
8 Mates estimated that the total uncovered foreign exchange liabilities of the banks at the end of 1985 amounted to $ 12.5 billion , and this suggests that at that time their total gross liabilities were substantially larger than $ 14 billion .
9 But above all , I needed something that at that time I was quite unable to put into words .
10 A record dated 1665 shows that at that time the archery contests were held over 4 days .
11 He estimated that at that time the local wind had become steady at 15 to 20 mph from 300°M , which was less than that on previous occasions when he had operated from the same field .
12 She congratulated me on eschewing the filth and violence that at that time were almost necessary to sell a book ( as my publisher told me ) , and said that she almost felt that she might have written it herself .
13 It is , however , also the case that at that time the company was facing very substantial difficulties in recruiting labour .
14 We asked after Pop and were glad to hear that at that time he was still well .
15 Perhaps it was fortunate that at that time he discovered girls , and a year later met the Dawsons , who always seemed to have time to stop and gossip with him .
16 It so happened that at that time , apparently unknown to the mother , the father had formed an association with another woman , and , as a result , had become the father of that other woman 's child .
17 A further drawback was that at that time most local authorities had neither the trained staff nor the organizational structure to manage a community care programme effectively .
18 Fourthly , the 1966 White Paper made it plain that at that time it was the government 's intention that the polytechnics should remain primarily teaching institutions ; as the DES notes of guidance subsequently indicated , research would be justified only in so far as it was of educational value to the teaching staff and of benefit to industry and business .
19 The thirteenth century eyre records testify vividly to the fact that at that time previous or subsequent sexual intercourse with the same man was fatal to such an appeal .
20 And it gave lots and lots of work to our colleagues and you know , when , when I say that er I think I made a comment that at that time , er had made the , the , the comment about er the winds of change and that er you know we were never better off , well really the unemployment figures were so low at that time that it 's to my mind you know , a truism .
21 Grey silts on the valley floor contain the abundant remains of salt marsh plants suggesting that at that time this was a shallow inlet of the sea .
22 It was , however , nothing so dramatic or pompous-merely a statement revealing that at that time the question of my succession to Macmillan had simply not crossed my mind .
23 Finally , erm various terms have been erm thrown around about new settlements being an engine of growth and a sinkhole for future growth , erm the only point I want to make there is that any future growth beyond the present structure plan period of two thousand and six would of course be subject to the planning system , there is no automatic erm growth erm of any new settlement that is proposed or may be proposed beyond two thousand and six , and Mr Davis has indicated that at that time a new study will be carried out on the relative merits of the alternative options that were seen at that time .
24 It is your responsibility to make sure that at that time , the specified terminal is connected and not logged in — Offline will not allocate a terminal to itself if it is already allocated to another VAX process .
25 So they 're going to be the conscience and the parenting for that year group and I also suggested that at that time , I think what Rob 's doing is getting the children to look at themselves er , as regards what their strengths and weaknesses are and the P S D have got to clarify that .
26 Whilst at the time , it it seemed an eternity , it was literally seconds , er very , very quickly because we were aware of the noise that at that time in the morning seemed to be er echoing everywhere .
27 But I have to say that at that time I still did n't know , I had a good idea , that it was n't the man we were looking for but therefore he was still arrested and he was arrested on sus well for harbouring an escapee .
28 The reason I am interested is that at that time I was off work for six months and I suspected I had the illness .
29 Yeah , but my old man he 's a , he 's driving he was driving the one of the that 's , that erm , Lieutenant Colonel was in at the time of the , and he , he was in there and he said my old man knows for certain that at that time they were under fire , cos they drove in and picked up two bodies and put them in the back of the jeep all under fire
30 The tidal reach of the sea fills the lake so that at all times the water is brackish .
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