Example sentences of "that [verb] [adv] her " in BNC.

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1 As the Goods sit in Kelly 's bedroom surrounded by the bits and pieces that made up her world , Mike picks up her diary .
2 His eyes roved her features , as if he was recalling every item of the lines and planes that made up her face .
3 He laid the palm of his hand across Elisabeth 's forehead and pressed back the curls that tumbled over her brow .
4 ‘ Do you really want to go into that now ? ’ he challenged her softly , his ironic gaze returning briefly to her party face and the shiny , streaky curls that tumbled over her brow and about her neck , just skimming her bare shoulders .
5 He tousled her hair that tumbled over her shoulders in a wild , bright mane of warmest auburn .
6 She turned in time to see his warm dark eyes rake down the shimmering black silk dress that whispered around her slender body .
7 Excitement spread tentacles that fastened round her heart , squeezing it mercilessly so that it was unable to beat , tentacles that compressed her lungs so they were unable to breathe .
8 Then to each of the heavily loaded bombers that roared over her head Jane had whispered , ‘ Good luck .
9 And when he too sat down again , he was that much nearer — this time as though not meaning to miss any nuance of an expression that came over her face .
10 Today — such muddles often happened — she was wearing a cardigan of matted grey wool belonging to a much smaller and slighter inmate , a long brown skirt , brown stockings that wrinkled round her still-narrow ankles , and blue check carpet slippers .
11 It was the idea of falling into a sea of brains that turned over her insides .
12 He remembered what she was wearing at the disco on Saturday : a slippery , silver sort of dress that flowed around her body like oil .
13 She let Glenda Grower lead the way , splendidly striding forward with that swing that showed off her tall , slim figure , and watched the other , older members of staff follow in her wake .
14 She was wearing the dark green woollen dress that showed off her still remarkable contours .
15 Jennifer , in a blue tracksuit that showed off her blonde hair to perfection , was sitting in her wheelchair .
16 All she wanted to do was shovel that crap up her nose , and if that 's how someone wants to pass their time , then there 's diddly-squat you can do to stop them . ’
17 Her hair was done in pig-tails that hung over her shoulders and were tied at the bottom with satin ribbon .
18 She reached into her pyjama jacket and hooked out the chain that hung around her neck .
19 Her hand strayed to the key that hung around her neck .
20 She was a gaudy advert for her own talents ; her shaved skull crawling with tattoos that curled down her neck and back like hair .
21 A lot of black hair that curled down her back .
22 The craving for the cans had returned , this time coupled with a dull , burning pain that seared along her arms and legs .
23 And a flash that shuddered up her spine to the back of her head
24 Then , slowly , she reached for her brush from the dresser , and began to slide it through the unruly tangle of her hair , taming the fly-away curls until they settled into a softly gleaming curtain that fell over her shoulders .
25 She spun round to face him with blazing blue eyes and then her head fell as the blue became blurred with tears , and pity for herself , for her mother and for the man she scarcely remembered came flooding with the tears that fell down her cheeks .
26 She had taken off the ribbon that kept back her hair and it hung about her shoulders , much longer than Seb had realised .
27 They loved stories that tripped off her tongue as easily as other women talked about waiting in the check-out queue at Tescos .
28 The other is Penny 's husband , Duncan , who indulged in the affair that brought about her death .
29 Gingerly Charles raised the sheet that lay over her thighs .
30 Claudia obediently washed Dana 's thick hair as she sat in the bath , sniffing appreciatively at the perfume that floated round her twin .
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