Example sentences of "that [indef pn] know [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Beating the bounds , when the parishioners walked round the parish boundaries to ensure that everyone knew where they were in case of dispute , was associated with the Rogationtide crop blessing .
2 Before long , he would be required to produce more than just carefully worded facts about the murder that everyone knew already from the grapevine .
3 If other specialists are involved , a general briefing meeting will ensure that everyone knows exactly what is required of them .
4 Arrange a briefing meeting with representatives of the magazine and the sponsor , the author and the photographer to make sure that everyone knows exactly what is required .
5 As the effect is due to lack of information rather than any hard evidence of the situation , it can be removed by ensuring that everyone knows where the resources have been allocated and why .
6 There are some good points — like explaining that everyone knows how to keep their balance and that normal balance should be used when skiing .
7 Aaron Wildavsky argued that while PPBS had many shortcomings , the fundamental reason for its demise was that no-one knew how to do programme budgeting .
8 But I decided fairly quickly that once the reins were in somebody else 's hands , and that somebody knew exactly what they were doing , there was no point in coming back . ’
9 On the way in from the airport , Hurley had warned him that the back bedroom was full of electronic gear that nobody knew how to use .
10 The trouble is that nobody knows where the road leads .
11 Essentially the message is that nobody knows how far community care can be made to stretch without snapping under the strain .
12 Following reason in this way shows that one knows how to go on ( to use again Wittgenstein 's phrase ) within the discipline .
13 Sometimes I think both genes are used , sometimes only one , not the other , and I 'm not sure that anybody knows exactly how , how and why that works out but erm
14 All I thought was that health monitor basically follows it but it just needs a , a little bit of clarification so that everybody knows exactly when forms are supposed to be produced .
15 It is assumed that anyone knows how to run a workshop , publicize a meeting , organize a local campaign , set up a committee — or whatever .
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