Example sentences of "that [pers pn] is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He asked me if I would be kind enough to remind all parents that his is returning to the Skarloey Railway at the end of October .
2 Obviously , if Jane says I 'm skipping and Mary says I 'm skipping we observe that on one occasion it is Jane who announces that she is skipping and on another it is Mary .
3 She is never sure that she is loved .
4 When she is older I will send the child to a good girls ’ school and see that she is taught English .
5 That seems to me to be a very moving description of somebody who is preaching to people , not from any sense of superiority , but rather from a sense of human concern and caring about the people that she is addressing , and this makes the way in which George Eliot writes about her very different from the way in which other methodist preachers have been described either as ranters , erm or as people who are so caught up in what they are saying themselves that the fail to make any pay any attention to the people that they are addressing .
6 Mrs Strange used to be at the piano when Seven Towers sang and now that she is stepping up to the rostrum , Kathryn , daughter of bass singer and choir secretary Jack Clarke , is replacing her .
7 She is in the early stages of pregnancy , her belly gently swelling inside her pink dress , and she tells me with obvious delight that she is expecting a summer bambino .
8 Sometimes , too , it is possible to make the mistake of thinking that she is expecting us to come up with all the answers when , often , all she wants is the opportunity to state the problem to someone who understands and will not criticise her .
9 The 36 year old former Eurythmics star — who announced yesterday that she is expecting a baby in the New Year — and a 20-strong film crew hired a Grade 1 listed building in central London to shoot her latest video .
10 With the verb , we know that she is bringing the hammer down , and that the nail is being hammered .
11 She then raises her hind legs so that she is crouching with her nose down and her back tilted .
12 For we are taught both by the words of worthy men of old and by our experience that this is a most certain sign , and it has been found that even if she be urged and exhorted by solemn conjurations to shed tears , if she be a witch she will not be able to weep : although she will assume a tearful aspect and smear her cheeks and eyes with spittle to make it appear that she is weeping ; wherefore she must be closely watched by the attendants .
13 I have to point out that she is wasting her life caught up in waiting for her thoughts and ideas to come true in reality .
14 We are thrilled that she is living happily with a sweet Jack Russell Terrier , several cats , rabbits , and even a horse !
15 Excuse me I have to say Princess Diana yesterday stunned the world announcing that she is to quit public life .
16 She has spent much of the last ten years establishing herself and securing her home base , and it is only now that she is beginning to realize her potential .
17 Of course it would be possible for Trible to maintain that she is re-reading the text because it is an important western text and she wants to understand more accurately what its authors meant .
18 Unabashed by this thought , she adds that she is thinking seriously about it , and is prepared to meet party officials to discuss it .
19 The gossip is that she is thinking of resigning from the practice and going back to her home town .
20 ‘ I feel it 's my duty to remind her that she is adored and does an exceptional amount of good for an awful lot of people , ’ he says .
21 Mrs Thatcher is an activist Prime Minister and her Press Office is keen that she is seen as such .
22 Another difference between the characterization of Alison and that of the three men is that she is seen totally from the outside — one sees her appearance in her face and her clothes ; we see what actions she does .
23 She needs to hide from reality but she also does n't want Mitch to see how old she is and the truth that she is hiding from :
24 When a female is ready to spawn she will leave her cave ( in which she will have previously have spent a lot of time ) and approach the male , who will display to her by quivering his body slightly and beating his tail in front of her , so that she is buffeted by the current created .
25 ‘ She thinks that she is helping and encouraging me . ’
26 Usually they are quite capable of doing this for themselves , but if your elderly parent turns to you for advice on financial matters your main aims should be : I. To make sure that she is receiving all the State benefits and pensions to which she may be entitled .
27 To see that she is receiving the correct amount of occupational pension ( if any ) that is due to her .
28 Apart from the very great difficulty of establishing how a couple manage their finances ( in effect one would have to take their word for it ) and the strong incentive they would have to arrange their affairs so as to safeguard the woman 's claim to benefit , the fact that she is receiving benefit may itself make it unnecessary for the man to give her more than is required for his own keep .
29 The only important thing is to see that she is eating wisely .
30 A mother who has put her daughter on the stage and made her into a teenage star is obviously aware that she is moulding something special .
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