Example sentences of "that [noun pl] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It has now been decided that meetings will take place of all Branch Representatives in the Pilot Branches in order to clarify the experiences of our members on the ground regarding these Pilot Branches .
2 He added : ‘ I hope and trust that ratifications will come from all countries within six months .
3 In this study , judgements about the amenity values of open-spaces are explored in an urban setting and in the expectation that values will represent combinations of social and cultural attachments .
4 The new minister admits that all this could take eight to ten years and an improved economic climate but he is adamant that attitudes must change .
5 This led to a reappraisal by the Euro-currency markets and banks-of their exposure to borrowers in the non-industrialized world , carrying With it the danger that attitudes could swing too far in the opposite direction and that too restrictive a stance might jeopardize international trade and economic growth .
6 However , management will be aware that vacancies will arise in the ensuing months .
7 This growth form itself maximises the chance that genets will intermingle : it maximizes the role of interspecific contacts in the life of the genet .
8 One must expect this and while we are trying to understand fully the development of dune shapes and dune systems , it is necessary that researchers should classify dunes on a descriptive basis .
9 Several of these emphasize that researchers should attend carefully to the sacred and secret parts of Aboriginal life and language ; publication of material whose widespread dissemination offends against Aboriginal religious practice is forbidden .
10 This assumption suggests that researchers should look for the contrary , but socially shared , themes within the thinking of members of social groups .
11 But the buckyball compounds ' opposite behaviour suggest that researchers should pursue ‘ negative pressure ’ , created by inserting a larger atom into the lattice .
12 Another area that researchers can study is the chemistry and spectroscopy of surfaces and very thin layers , providing a tool for the non-destructive analysis of layers and adsorbed molecules .
13 However , this is no reason for despair since it is by examining and measuring the relationship between indicators that researchers can begin to get a better idea of what are good and what are poor indicators .
14 In examining the sources of information that researchers can exploit he also emphasizes the importance of treating , in a serious fashion , what children and the adults around them have to tell us .
15 The target can be exceeded , with carbon emissions falling to 1.9 million tonnes , if the most efficient technology that researchers can imagine is adopted .
16 To continue with the floral metaphor , it could be said that researchers must search the fully flowered attitudinal stances of this year for the seeds of next year 's crop .
17 In general it is likely that builders will prefer the additional green field land to the substantive existing provision within the built-up area .
18 President-elect Chamorro added her call for a ceasefire , stating in a broadcast on Feb. 28 that the causes of the war had disappeared , that there was thus no more reason to fight , and that Nicaraguans should return home .
19 It is thought that molecules must collide with each other in a favourable spacial orientation for a successful reaction to occur .
20 It was a surprise in both the trial schools that molecules could make mental arithmetic so popular .
21 He suggests that operators should have four or five caps so that refitting of the normal container cap can be avoided altogether .
22 It is too pat to say , as did Mansfield , that merchants will chose definiteness over ‘ whether the rule is established one way or the other ’ .
23 Paul suggested a way of getting rid of this passivity , arguing that lecturers should give out notes at the beginning of lectures and then :
24 The Renton Committee noted that definitions may take various forms : they may be exhaustive ; they may be merely inclusionary ; they may concentrate only the boundaries of the concept ; they may seek to exclude descriptive material and concentrate upon conceptual analysis ; they may rely upon general principles .
25 Sole practitioners and two partner firms were understandably fearful that institutions might retaliate to the imposition of a hardship test ( or cap ) by restricting their conveyancing panels to firms with three or more partners , and attention was drawn to the ‘ threat ’ issued by the Halifax Building Society in this regard , as well as to the current practice of a number of lenders .
26 It should be stressed that the figures do not reflect the fact that a considerable number of respondents answered ‘ yes ’ to the principle of capping but went on to argue that institutions should receive nothing at all by way of grants ( see , for example , the response from the Legal Resources Group ) .
27 Land says that programmes should include work in telecommunications .
28 She felt sure that plans must have been well advanced for the action they intended to take , and she thought that councillors should have been asked to approve the use of emergency guidelines at that time .
29 But the appeal of the romantic movement does not explain why those who were not party to it , such as Michael Faraday , who was a visionary and wrote beautifully , have been completely written out of conventional histories of 19th century Britain , as if he ( and David Brewster and Thomas Henry Huxley and the rest ) were just peripheral figures , keeping things ticking along so that statesmen could make grand decisions and the widening of human understanding could be left to poets .
30 The establishment was ringed with barbed wire , and guarded by men of the R.A.F. Regiment whose N.C.O.s kept discipline by threatening their men that misdemeanours would result in their being sent ‘ inside the Park ’ , as if it were some sort of madhouse .
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