Example sentences of "i have [verb] back " in BNC.

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1 I think they were playing on the , the sheet I 'd sent back does n't say that we had n't had any official conformations , still did n't , although we had , had it on the telephone we had n't had anything written .
2 I did n't get difficult when I drank but I often could n't remember where I 'd been or what I 'd done or even how I 'd got back home .
3 As I had to go to Beskett this young woman had not long been married and she always used to ask me to call at her house in Palfrey , cos I used to go on a bike not in a van , on a carrier bike , she used to ask me to call at her house in Palfrey to see if there were any mail from her husband and he was , there sometimes was sometimes there was n't nothing you know that he 'd written and er one day I 'd got back and er she was all in tears and er he , he had been killed in France and I was glad I did n't have to be the harbinger of the times you know she still lives in Palfrey now Mrs yeah .
4 after I 'd got back .
5 I had wept back in the office after Mr Charles had told me the Scharnhorst was steaming up the channel unchallenged .
6 I had seen him once before when he had waved to me from an upper window and I had waved back .
7 Angie Bowie : ‘ The Christmas before recording ‘ The Man Who Sold The World ’ , I had flown back home to see my parents .
8 Before I had turned back from Bilen I had watched the Awash flowing towards its unknown destination .
9 And er I had to fall back very often just write , I saw Mr follow the horse in in in that that churning power .
10 I had to fall back on that many time .
11 Next morning I was a new woman , quite revitalised and waiting contritely for JTR who I had summoned back up from Edinburgh to get on with the Lewis Ramble .
12 And when I took , I had to report back to area control I was immediate I got immediate applause .
13 ‘ If I had to drive back to Tangier now , I 'd do it in one go .
14 I felt that I had stepped back in time to share in the 400 year old ceremony in this charming village .
15 I felt I had stepped back into a thirties ' film and that in the morning , when we went down into the bar for café au lait , Arletty and Jean Gabin would be leaning on the zinc counter .
16 I had to go back .
17 I had to go back to the room , as if I needed to tell the place where I lived of my feeling .
18 ‘ We saw it go in , ’ said Lyle , ‘ but we could not find it and I had to go back and play three off the tee . ’
19 All of which brought home the final lesson I had to go back to school to learn .
20 I knew I had to go back to hospital but I just had time to see my mother and sister off and to help my father close up grandmother 's house and to see uncle Henry take her off to the station , with destination Somerset .
21 I had n't time , I had to go back to university .
22 A bit of placenta stayed in the womb and when this was discovered I had to go back to hospital for a D & C. From then on my periods became a nightmare .
23 Then I had to go back and bury my two pets and comfort Annie and Jack .
24 As I had to go back to my office after a big luncheon party , I arrived half way through the collection .
25 No , no , no you 've got it the wrong way round , I went , I brought you here and then I had to go back cos I was in the Royal Marine Police
26 We came on a , I think it was on a Friday or Saturday morning and I had to go back Sunday night , cos I was on duty on the Monday back in Plymouth , and I did a month in Plymouth , er , a month or five weeks no longer , and I came up each weekend to see them , my wife was left there then .
27 ‘ The trouble with using a Hasselblad is that you black out after each shot , and in the first session I 'd cut off the arms in one or two shots , so I had to go back and re-shoot those .
28 After I was at court I had to go back to Low Newton to wait for a few weeks before I could go to Styal prison .
29 And I had to go back to Norwich the next morning with a load .
30 It 's a bit like that with me , except that instead of going into the technological future I had to go back in time .
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