Example sentences of "was [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 He was altogether in a parlous state : the weather was bad , there was no water in the flat ; he did not care to go out at nights and was seeing fewer people .
2 Even where informants invoked the ‘ rule ’ of parallel cousin marriage it was mostly as a ‘ second order strategy ’ .
3 Seeing the young woman hunched up on a crate , covered in chalk dust and weeping her eyes out , Biff Thacker was rather at a loss what to do .
4 ‘ And then — I was rather at a loss , I suppose .
5 He was rather like a 12-inch gun with no gunlayer ; he always turned up to meetings late and disoriented , although he had a middle-aged secretary who used to follow him about with his diary and try to keep him in line .
6 In appearance she was rather like a gipsy , and her quick , eager speech had a slightly foreign intonation .
7 One of the best documented tales of the sighting of a sea monster occurred in 1852 , when a whaling vessel , the Monongahela , netted and took aboard a creature which was rather like a cross between a snake and a crocodile .
8 But they also held that the universe itself was rather like a vast machine , which , once started off , ran according to its own inbuilt laws and patterns .
9 Among the Mundugamor , both sexes were aggressive , children were treated brusquely by both parents , and love-making was rather like a pitched battle .
10 She thought she was rather like a mother , making sure a child had eaten before going off to school , did not scruple to say , " Are you sure you 've had enough ?
11 The scene was rather like a bull-fight , with Betty , small-eyed , blundering hither and yon dazzled by the whisk of scarlet , the glancing slippers of the matador .
12 It was rather like a large belt ; you could probably fasten it about your waist and it would sit snugly over your hips .
13 It was rather like a Loch Lomond bay and more like freshwater fishing in terms of comfort .
14 It was rather like a mid-West movie , as pleasant as that .
15 ‘ He was rather like a new-born baby when he came because of the lack of stimulation , ’ she said .
16 It was rather like an old-fashioned nationalized industry where all lines led to the Secretary of State .
17 She was rather like an injured animal , wanting to lick her wounds in peace and privacy .
18 It was predominantly of a country , not a ‘ high ’ style , pre-eighteenth century and frequently not French , factors which tended to keep Paris-based buyers away while proving too pricey for local people .
19 His architectural work was predominantly in a neo-classical manner with the use of domed segmental projections , examples being Doddington Hall , Cheshire , 1777–98 ; Hooton Hall , Cheshire , 1778–88 , since demolished ; Herstmonceux Place , Sussex , 1777 ; and Belmont Park , Kent , 1787–92 .
20 Nutty thought she was on to a good idea and went home happily , taking over from her mother in the shop as she usually did while her mother started to get the tea .
21 His senses told him he was on to a good thing and his senses were rarely wrong .
22 Maybe he thought he was on to a good thing .
23 Jean-Paul was in no doubt that he was on to a good deal .
24 Mrs Williams was at the time the most popular women in the world , after Mother Teresa , and it occurred to me , rather too late , that I was on to a loser here .
25 The Old Stager was on to a theme which he had clearly been bottling up all season .
26 Multiply that up by two or three hundred stores , and you will see he was on to a good thing .
27 Then it was on to a local botanical gardens to record the ‘ sound bites ’ .
28 it was on at a reasonable volume .
29 It was thanks to them that he learned that the hunt was on for a leak on the Washington embassy wartime staff which could only have been Maclean .
30 Matthew Evans was to split his role and that the hunt was on for a new m.d. , rumours that Mr Evans was ‘ bailing out ’ and the company was on the block were fanned by the trade 's more supportive friends at Private Eye and pounced on by publishers overexcited at the prospect of getting their hands on , if not the company , then at least some of its authors .
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