Example sentences of "is [adv] a good " in BNC.

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1 The Independent featured a long news article about the Great Bolt Debate , written by Stephen Goodwin , an Indy staff newsman who , I 'm reliably informed , is rather a good climber .
2 UNLIKE almost everyone else , many economists reckon insider dealing is rather a good thing .
3 The track which you follow from the village of Gavarnie to the cirque is necessarily a good , well-worn one , almost a road for much of the journey , through beech woods and then across open grasslands , before the last rough and rocky stretch up into the mouth of the cirque .
4 I understand that the statistics show that UKIAS ranks ahead of other people in its success rate at tribunals — not that that is necessarily a good or bad indication , but it is fact .
5 Data from the Third World suggests that it may be dubious : mortality is only a good indicator of the overall health of a population when infectious diseases are a major problem ( US National Center for Health Statistics 1973 ) .
6 Archaeology , in the sense of deciding where to excavate , is perhaps a good example of where the psychic ability may often be used unconsciously .
7 That this should be the case is perhaps a good indication of the need that Christian women feel to find themselves represented symbolically in their religion .
8 It is perhaps a good deal less than certain that this third characterization is conceptually distinct from the first two .
9 It is perhaps a good way of avoiding the hermeneutic error .
10 Asking what one remembers a couple of months after a conference is perhaps a good way of judging the event .
11 Nothing exciting has happened here , which is perhaps a good thing .
12 The thing was paid for by the International Fund for Animal Welfare : animal welfare is obviously a good cash-flow business .
13 The Andes is obviously a good place to go looking for an eruption of an andesite lava , but one would be extremely lucky to find one , because although there are numerous ‘ active ’ volcanoes along the Andean chain , andesite eruptions are really rather rare events compared to basaltic ones .
14 For this and other known and yet to be investigated reasons , it is obviously a good plan to boost daily fibre intake — for health and slimming benefit — from a variety of cereal , fruit and vegetable sources , and this is what you do on the F-Plan .
15 Eric is obviously a good player , but I am in the job and I do n't intend to give it up without a fight . ’
16 The emergence of strong governments in European history is a movement labelled " progress " — and " progress " is obviously a good thing , if one has friends in the government .
17 An absence of information to aid the identification of those about to face a stressful event who would as a consequence be particularly susceptible to psychiatric disorder is obviously a good enough reason for not considering preventive intervention .
18 In general , the former method of organising by themes and keywords involves you more in doing analysis and thinking at the moment of reading , which is generally a good idea .
19 The manuscript of Taskopruzade omits the as , in effect , does Sa'deddin , who generally follows Taskopruzade very closely , the result of which omission is to say simply that he became at the Darulhadis. el-Kefevi 's text of Taskopruzade clearly included the however , since he states unequivocally that Molla Arab became Hizir Bey 's muid at the Darulhadis ; and there is thus a good case that , despite the doubts introduced by the manuscript of Taskopruzade and Sa'deddin , Taskopruzade intended the lahu .
20 The study is thus a good survey of Austen 's portrayal of her society .
21 Because a standard IQ score is usually a good measure of g it efficiently tells us something important .
22 a busy solicitor is usually a good solicitor ;
23 This is usually a good defence and should be borne in mind when preparing the case .
24 It is usually a good idea to walk with your dog in the usual fashion at first , working through the basic commands .
25 This is because the connection between a person 's everyday experience and his conceptual background is usually a good deal more tenuous than that between , say , his everyday experience of the weather and his belief that August is a wetter month than July .
26 Reasons of this sort dictate that the political impetus accompanying Ministers on arrival at their departments after an election is usually a good deal less noticeable at the Home Office than elsewhere in Whitehall .
27 Then report the find to an appropriate authority — a local museum is usually a good starting point , since it may employ an archaeologist .
28 A local map is usually a good starting point when it comes to picking a list of possibilities .
29 Your local amateur society is always a good beginning .
30 But I said that it is always a good sign when things go wrong before the night .
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