Example sentences of "it would be [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 She threw all of them away except one , then realised how silly and significant it would be to arrive on his doorstep with one daffodil ; she tucked it into the contents of an overflowing litter bin and arrived at Alan 's empty-handed .
2 How much simpler it would be to parasitise a member of your own species .
3 On Sunday afternoons the Vicar of Askrigg used to pass Semerwater on his way to take evensong in his other parish of Stalling Busk , and he often thought how pleasant it would be to hold an open air service on the shores of the lake .
4 He kept thinking how nice it would be to lie in a hot bath and soak out the cold and the dirt .
5 In fact , the beauty all around was so breathtaking that , for the first time in his life , he actually caught himself thinking what a shame it would be to put a railway line here , to bring dirt and clamour to this Eden .
6 Yes , I mean you could put it in the minutes , but also it would be quick at the next meeting of this sub-committee is after the election , it 'll be some time in June , so a quick way of dealing with it would be to put it in the bulletin , yes , but also , but I 'll put it in the minutes , as well .
7 His friend Michael Kelly described how , when he became animated , his whole face lit up in a way ‘ as impossible to describe , as it would be to paint sunbeams ’ .
8 How easy it would be to confess that the baby had survived ; that he had , according to Sir Philip Debrace , grown into a strong , good-looking boy .
9 His round had been long and arduous , and he was thinking how pleasant it would be to see and tease McAllister and ask her to serve them all some home-made lemonade .
10 What ecstasy it would be to see them really move …
11 Perhaps the best way of doing it would be to give th erm them an N C O
12 The thing that made me a little envious was this girl — she 's his assistant on this particular film — ringing up , and there was a slight chance they would be going to Switzerland that day , and suddenly I was in there again and I thought how exciting it all was and how nice it would be to go off filming again .
13 One thinks how marvellous it would be to go on living .
14 She let them pass , came to Hampstead tube station and thought what an adventure it would be to go home in a train .
15 If there is a benefit to be achieved , and this is not inconsiderable , it would be to stimulate user education in countries where activity is low and which need outside support , particularly in the developing countries .
16 How easy it would be to destroy him .
17 So is n't the only way you could do it would be to issue it secretly to cadres you would then expect the cadres to take this up and promote it but you have n't actually broken the conditions in the United Front .
18 If we do so we may deny our pain , it would be to pretend that all is well , and that would mean to deny the biblical faith .
19 " It would be to un-create the Creation . "
20 The article made a deep impression on me and I thought what a wonderful coastline it would be to explore .
21 How wonderful it would be to explore these beautiful cities with Luke !
22 The longer they had in order to establish this bit of coast as an aristocratic retreat , the easier it would be to turn it into a fashionable resort when time and money offered .
23 Molly and Peggy introduced children 's classes from the earliest days of Medau — how fascinating it would be to turn back the clock and take a look at those Hampstead and Sidcup children !
24 It would be to let one maxim remind him of the treacherous limits of his information and the other of unconsidered consequences of delay , and try to fill both gaps in his awareness before letting himself be moved in one direction or the other .
25 How much better it would be to let them keep their existing SNA networks and pass other traffic across them .
26 Sometimes he thought how easy it would be to let go , to drift .
27 And , to my shame , I thought how much easier it would be to let them all believe it .
28 If I were to be critical it would be to say that the scratchplates could be finished off more tidily , and occasionally the necks and bodies do n't look entirely new — although that 's hardly surprising , really .
29 It makes no more sense to say that the perspectival appearance is true ( or false ) of the object than it would be to say that the size of the angle of a triangle is true ( or false ) of the other two angles , which determine its size .
30 An unambitious enough menu — and what a delicious surprise it would be to encounter such a meal at any one of those country town Hôtels des Voyageurs , du Commerce , du Lion d'Or , to which my own business affairs in France now take me .
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