Example sentences of "it because [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 This is timber stolen from Indian lands and rainforests … we 're removing it because we regard it as stolen property
2 They have to keep a logbook but that 's only a check to make sure that nobody 's leaving a mess in the common areas and we only have it because we 've found that some residents can have problems because they 've become deskilled in certain things .
3 You know , but we 're ever so excited it because we 've sold some , or we get him a , and we get excited by this , and he knows we 're after that .
4 Is it because we 've given them a different have we already used a pot up ?
5 Fuck her I was drinking stout on Saturday night and normally do n't do it because we 've simply no money ! on the vodka and say it was n't even enough to buy a carry out but do n't say it unless she says she was here !
6 ‘ They only stand for it because we bring them hard currency , ’ Jim explained , as he accelerated away .
7 Some coloured children in this school are getting bad because of the way they get treated , and they make out as if we 're just doing it because we get low examination grades so we start getting bad with the teachers .
8 Erm so that is and what we 're doing is to try and recreate the appearance of the house as it was not in the time when the canons had it , but when William had it because we know a lot about him and his family and also we know more about the furnishings of that period .
9 Most of us are in it because we love what we do , because we want to contribute something .
10 Because the difference between us and the Tories is when we mean we support for Eastern Europe , we do n't just talk about it glibly , we go there and we do it because we see the future of Europe being the future of our own people here in .
11 a a neater way to do it because we want this sine omega T.
12 ‘ We are doing it because we believe that Scotland , with its innovative financial community is the location in which that investment will be best exploited .
13 Elonex has no interest in it because we do n't see the need for it . ’
14 Yes , yes , ‘ No comment because we 're still collecting information , because we 've got a lot of information already in , but we 've got to assess it because we do n't want to give out any false , you know false new . ’
15 If a policeman observes you doing that he can not do anything about it because we have no law which makes it illegal to be deliberately cruel to a wild animal .
16 Is it because we have not been speaking out when we should have at injustice , not proclaiming the truth , not listening to our watchmen , not praying , not doing , not sending and not CARING ?
17 We do n't use it because we have n't realised our resources .
18 I I I do differ with that in some respects , in that er until we 've arranged the agenda we 're not always sure whether there will be specifically highway matters , er and er I must confess , although not on the agenda very often , highway matters are things that that that that do get commented on , er but er none the less , it 's just the principle , I mean er it 's a bit difficult to start saying , well do we send it because we have particular things , er or or
19 Not just because of what you 've said , that wetted our appetite , that intrigued us , that aroused our curiosity , but we believe it because we have seen and heard for ourselves and we 've recognized his authority .
20 We put up with it because we need the differential : we like to feel superior to our neighbours , and if the penalty is that the man up the road feels superior to us , we 'll put up with it .
21 Is it because they take in a smaller quantity of vapour or tablet dust ? and how far does the vial have to be from the nose before the dose is inactive ?
22 I 'll do it because they ask me to , but I do n't feel , like , ‘ Oh God , I 'm a big star signing autographs . ’
23 I said he 's my father and then he falls out the fucking bed when they put him in it because they admit negligence , they forgot to put the cot side up , dad has got lack of oxygen to his bra brain , he thought it was the Battle of Hastings going on but they said there was nobody there , well surely they must have known Joy he fell out the bloody bed because he 's laying like this and he 's falling and he 's falling and bang come out , he split all his bloody head open , do you know the blood was there from the night he fell out , he fell out at half past ten at night and they never informed us , which is against the law and the blood still sat there at quarter to four the following day , all over the floor , he 's got a bloody stitch in his head which they done to him while he were in the bed , and ripped three tubes out of his arm , split all his bloody arm open
24 You can tell they like it because they tell you so .
25 They do it because they know the audience is watching a constantly evolving picture which is being drawn on , over , across and above a flat stage in front of a background .
26 No they must of took it er , at , his son must of took it because they 've put that girder back in .
27 Really angry about it because they 've had to bring somebody else in to do Geoff 's work .
28 but he wo n't get that now for it because they 've graded them , so that if it 's , it 's keyhole surgery type now it 's er , it 's a lower figure than
29 I mean you get to this stage where a certain age you can say no you 're not having it because they 've got to start to grow up at some point and she likes using the felt tips and she 's usually not too bad with them
30 Even if an NHS trust can be demonstrated to be in the interests of patients to reduce waiting lists and provide a better quality of service , they would reject it because they put politics before patients .
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