Example sentences of "to the point of " in BNC.

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1 Bexfield 's scissors offer a high level of strength , whilst long handles provide all the necessary leverage to transmit power to the points of the blades .
2 In addition to the points of law the case also shows that directors of companies in receivership may raise all sorts of legal questions to try and protect their interests .
3 Three-dimensional networks can also be formed with polyesters if they are unsaturated and mixed with an unsaturated monomer , such as styrene , which polymerizes by addition , cross-linking to the points of unsaturation of the polyester .
4 In that respect , Kundera could have fooled at least one of his readers ; but I do see that it belongs to the point of it all that the uncommon Jaromil should be thought humanly representative .
5 BS is like a man who knows all about swimming , even to the point of being able to train the Olympic team , but who can not swim himself , and V is the man with the normal talent for swimming .
6 The traditional railway goods depot , with its acres of sidings and its own cranage and cartage facilities , has declined almost to the point of extinction .
7 This ascetic , strong-willed young man , dominating yet dull-toned in personality to the point of satanic flatness , captured as if in his own despite the imagination of the day .
8 They regard the article as being primarily an attack on the Prime Minister , and one which is improper almost to the point of being constitutional .
9 Such a proceeding is , of course , arbitrary to the point of being ridiculous .
10 By then ‘ Tixier ’ had taken his anti-Gaullist crusade to the point of running himself as a presidential candidate .
11 The performance revolves round rows of hissingly-hot pressure cookers , which are brought to the point of pressure ; suspended above them are boxes of ice , with nails and bits and pieces , which drop on to the pressure cooker lids as the ice melts .
12 Mrs Kluge , 40 , has pursued the royal family relentlessly , to the point of buying a 75,000-acre estate next to Balmoral Castle .
13 By choosing to take at face value all the evidence pointing to the futility of the war , and ignoring all those who believed , with patent sincerity , that they were fighting for something worthwhile against something evil , he has taken cynicism to the point of naivety .
14 It is exactly the equality before the law , which Ms Pith-Helmet invests with so much trust , that has betrayed blacks and Asians in the courts , in their treatment at the hands of vicious and prejudiced police ( that has resulted in the death of 10 blacks at the hands of police during the course of arrest and interrogation in the last 15 years ) , that allows black and Asian homes to be terrorised by racist thugs who can sprinkle liberally their British hospitality in the form of firebombs , beatings , excrement dumped on doors , and children bullied to the point of suicide and madness .
15 He always saw straight to the point of an argument .
16 Locked in a marriage with a wife who showed increasing signs of mental instability and whose health constantly brought her to the point of death , exhausted in his work and fearing for his own life and sanity , Eliot 's view of relations between the sexes is at its bleakest , as is shown not least in the epigraphs , which were originally further universalized by including ( in the draft synopsis ) ,
17 What it might be found to share with the first is a simultaneous avoidance and acting out of the ambivalence which constitutes subordination , and a pushing of that ambivalence to the point of transgressive insight and possibly reinscribed escape .
18 Both of them noticed with shock how alarmingly thin she was , frail to the point of vanishing .
19 The Lapps are a curious people , pragmatic almost to the point of unfriendliness .
20 The tail styling , however , is demure to the point of anonymity ; aesthetic continuity with the Five and Seven is eschewed for an overtly sober , slightly dainty look .
21 But I did n't get to the point of giving them names , which was just as well , because in the end they both had to go to market .
22 That it is sustained almost to the point of embarrassment is exactly what is so good about it , since discomfort is the name of this film 's particular game .
23 However , it also meant that the sort of movements which normally flow through Clough had to be accurate to the point of perfection if they were not to be enmeshed in blue shirts .
24 The measures may include restrictions on political rights to control the dissent that has thrived in the Philippine 's democracy , sometimes to the point of anarchy .
25 The service 's efficiency can be gauged by the fact that the country 's dissident movement is small to the point of being tiny and that the cult of President Ceausescu 's personality has been unassailable .
26 Here consciousness is not mangled but dissipated , the borders of the self expanded to the point of dissolution .
27 They expand the consciousness to the point of bursting , but feel no obligation to raise the consciousness , elevate it to lofty concerns .
28 He had been involved with Buddhism to the point of almost becoming a monk , and had formed the mixed media troupe called Feathers , after studying mime under Lindsay Kemp .
29 Much attention has been given to the seemingly altruistic behaviour of dolphins , with various authors citing such examples as the way cetaceans will assist or stand by other ill , injured or stranded animals even to the point of their own death .
30 That makes readers naturally conservative , sometimes to the point of absurdity .
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