Example sentences of "to [pers pn] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The old man spoke to them without looking round , and with surprising authority in his voice .
2 Yesterday , the shadow Chancellor said on the early morning news that Britain should fall into line with its partners — in other words , that we should give in to them without bothering to do anything to secure the best deal for this country .
3 But biological weapons are unlikely to be much used on troops in combat , mainly because of the difficulties of getting the aerosols on to them without seeing them drift back on to those who released them .
4 Clearly , orthodox ministerial responsibility could not be extended to them without undermining the arm 's length principle .
5 Apparently they like having things explained to them without understanding either the explanation or even what an explanation is .
6 As I have already said , most students will have extra financial support available to them without having to call upon the access funds .
7 This is probably the case since children do things the way that feels natural to them without worrying unduly how it is meant to be done .
8 She could n't ask Aunt Sarah or Uncle Nick to help ; there was no way of explaining it to them without sounding crazy .
9 In preparing the script , talk to them about writing for speaking .
10 Unfortunately I regard it as clear that although the consequences to them of operating a commercial port were reasonably plain from the beginning , insufficient thought was given to the question of access to the port before planning permission was granted .
11 We believe that if this practice became general , consumers would become better aware both of the advantages to them of establishing a ‘ good ’ credit record and of their potential part in putting right any rare mistakes in their credit record .
12 This is important to individual sites so that they can make their own assessment of the value to them of adopting what has been identified as best practice elsewhere .
13 However , there is still not enough help available at the moment to the families of the mentally disordered despite the costs to them of caring for severely handicapped or disturbed relatives .
14 It was suggested that some existing pensioners , who may not have drawn the sum due to them on leaving the Bank , could now claim the sum due to them and donate it to the Fund .
15 A range of modern program development tools and environments is available — the laboratory facilities are a reflection of what students will find available to them on entering employment .
16 Of course , this is something that private schools already do , but it is interesting that , even in the public sector , some ‘ magnet ’ schools , upset by their relatively poor performance in examination results , are asking if they ca n't exclude children who come to them on placing requests from deprived areas .
17 It was made for Barclays Bank and we are grateful to them for allowing us to adapt it for our own use .
18 Indeed , multiproduct companies will normally have a variety of means open to them for breaking even on their operation , some of which may be approximately equally efficient , so that governmental intervention to choose one amongst them , something facilitated by state ownership , is not necessarily inefficient .
19 ‘ We are grateful to them for helping to liberate Belgium , ’ he says .
20 Many lower-level headmen received a legitimate income by retaining a proportion of the fees paid to them for issuing various licences and for other duties .
21 He takes the belt to them for nicking one minute , and then the next he 's sending them out to do it .
22 They , they are going beyond what they have to do by law , and all credit to them for doing that .
23 A WEALTHY socialite was branded ‘ callous ’ by a grieving family yesterday — because she has never said sorry to them for killing their daughter .
24 Speaking as the operation began , Mr Barnett thanked the person who gave permission for the donation : ‘ I know that Aisling , even if she does not survive , would want me to express my eternal gratitude to them for giving her the chance to live . ’
25 Good luck to them for winning international honours at that level .
26 The train puffed to a stop ; only five passengers alighted , and the only male among them a tall young man , his hair so fair that from a distance it appeared almost white , waved to them before turning back to the carriage and lifting out a case .
27 Most bereaved people will talk of being quite sure they have seen the person who has died walking along the street and have called out to them before realizing that it could not be so .
28 The only real clue to spotting them is that every homestead has electricity and if you see the buildings , you must find the wires going to them before making an approach .
29 I 've got to decide what I 'm going to say to Mum and Dad — I 've got to picture them , feel what they always make me feel like and somehow change it … speak to them like speaking to a dream , make it my dream instead of their dream …
30 Instead , males tend to be spaced out in territories , and they attract females to them by calling .
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