Example sentences of "in [pron] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Of concern , a third of the patients in whom we reached a diagnosis were subject to some form of child abuse : suffocation in 18 and fabrication of the history and physiological data in seven .
2 Naturalism was a psychological penetration of the motives of the bourgeois , in whom we saw our mortal enemy , and psychological penetration , despite all efforts at resistance , brings an identification with the various precepts of bourgeois morality …
3 We know in whom we have belief .
4 Our business partners in whom we have invested are now one year old .
5 The only patient group with sustained life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias in whom we do not routinely place ICD electrodes at the time of surgery are those with well-preserved left ventricular function who have evidence of reversible ischaemia and who do not exhibit sustained monomorphic VT during electrophysiological testing .
6 The second quotation affirms the presence of God , in whom we live and move and have our being — emphasis upon the closeness of God akin to the Islamic passage about God being nearer to us than our neck-veins .
7 To evaluate the possibility of bias in the group with follow up , the data from the initial history and physical examination of the 90 children in whom we obtained a follow up were compared with those from the 84 children with no follow up .
8 Often their own need for a change is equally strong too , and if the arrangement is made through a social worker from the local authority social services department in whom they have confidence , they go with no fear of not being allowed to return when the holiday period is over .
9 Another very important factor in the selection of a person in whom one confides seems to be the length of the relationship 's history .
10 Compassionate and relentless as God ( in whom she does not believe ) , she sends her creatures forth and calls them home , having ( like Thomas Hardy ) a love for funerals , although she has never been to one .
11 It was Terence and his poison , it was Parr , it was her father , no longer just a patriotic businessman , a stranger in whom she 'd glimpsed bedrock , the heart of so-called loyalism .
12 I had not realized how close they had been but she grieved for a long while for the grandmother to whom she had felt close and in whom she had found it easy to confide .
13 One of her earliest pupils , in whom she had a great deal of confidence , was Brighton 's Julie Pullin who poignantly won her first women 's international title on the African satellite , 48 hours before Winnie died , and who went on to win a second title two weeks later .
14 He taught her much more about the Lord in whom she believed , rather as Paul , Aquila and Priscilla did to Apollos .
15 The ex-wife is ringing up over a son in whom she has shown no interest .
16 In one patient in whom there appeared to be delay in biliary drainage at endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography ( >30 minutes ) , an endoscopic sphincterotomy was performed .
17 Basically communication is said to occur when a person ( the sender ) has a message which he sends in a particular medium , so that it is received by a recipient in whom it produces a response , followed by feedback to the sender ( Fig. 7.1 ) .
18 Needless to say , the sufferers in whom it takes longer tend to be those in whom the disease and its consequences are most intense and most obvious to everyone else .
19 Mean colonic transit time was 35.4 ( 4.7 ) hours in patients without cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy , being much shorter ( p<0.02 ) than in patients with cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in whom it averaged 53.8 ( 5.5 ) hours .
20 It seems that in addition to a large number of pernicious anaemia patients with stable nodular hyperplasia of fundic endocrine cells , there are patients in whom the hyperplastic change may progress to carcinoid tumours and some in whom it regresses .
21 Those in whom it has taken place are turned from being opponents of civilization into being its vehicles .
22 My creature , my invention , in whom I instilled the gift of life , escaped from my care .
23 my God , my rock , in whom I take refuge ,
24 ‘ There 's no one in this world in whom I have greater trust .
25 In whom I have put my faith .
26 And the same is true of faith , and so for Paul to say , I know whom I have believed , I know the one in whom I have put my trust , then the other side of th the other direction is true also , God had put his trust , had put his faith in Paul .
27 ‘ I am very pleased with my visit to Kano ’ , he wrote to its emir , ‘ and I am glad to have seen you again , for I regard you as my personal friend , in whom I place entire confidence and trust . ’
28 ‘ It is my wish that my Clerk Mr. Prince who is well acquainted with my business and affairs and in whom I place great confidence should continue in the management and conduct of the same … to sell and dispose or exchange all or any of my works on Ornithology and specimens of Natural History in the manner I have been accustom to do … to continue or complete as far as practicable the publication of any work or works of mine on Ornithology and to do all other [ illegible ] by issuing a Prospectus advertising the same … to purchase all necessary materials articles and things fit and proper for the carrying on of my business … to borrow for a temporary period any money from my Bankers , Messrs Drummond and Company … and if there by any surplus available for the purpose to invest the same in purchase of Stock … to pay the rent and taxes … make up , adjust and settle all and every or any Accounts … [ and generally ] to do perform and execute all and every or any other acts deeds matters and things whatsoever are necessary to be done in all other my concerns engagements affairs and business whatsoever during my absence from England as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as I myself might or could do if I were personally present and did the same . ’
29 Not the young Francis either , in whom I stood a better hope of experiencing the odd happy memory , but Francis as I 'd last experienced him with the tang of his Lucky Strikes , last night 's whisky and dejection all togged up as joie de vivre .
30 But anyway , saying to Father that you , who are the apple of his eye , and in whom he considers he 's bred a lady , telling him that you hope to marry one of the Feltons , the quay Feltons .
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