Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Historians might say that in the twentieth century in Britain only the reforming administrations of 1906 and 1945 provided a major change in direction to be followed by administrations which consolidated the changes .
2 Allureth all in hope to be
3 The LTA are not in existence to be magazine publishers .
4 It is not possible for all the Eurodollars in existence to be spent within the US .
5 Solid modelling is the most recent major development in CAD to be marketed .
6 Chairman , er if I might I was going to refer again to the care carefully worded recommendation which does n't actually mention the level of erm it simply mentions erm er a modest extent of under provision because clearly it says elsewhere in the report at two ten that it 's not yet known whether there will be opportunities elsewhere , so that 's a particular shortfall in provision to be made up .
7 The country was sunk too deep in chaos to be dragged out of it ; the climate of violence was such that voting would be impossible ; intimidation by the ruling Cambodian People 's Party ( CPP ) meant that if there were an election it could not be free and fair .
8 First , the circumstance that criminal law exhibits some particularly interesting judicial techniques of lawmaking which must be relevant in any account of judicial process which purports at least in part to be descriptive , rather than purely normative .
9 The Sun reports : ‘ Girls in fight to be no 2 — Two leftie women bared their claws in Labour 's deputy leadership battle yesterday …
10 But something I would like to say , which no-one has touched on at all ; we 've all been talking about the laws that affect women and equal opportunities , and no-one has mentioned anything about the horrendous hours that are worked in parliament making it not impossible , but extremely difficult for women to become politicians working in parliament to be the people who make the laws , to be the people who can actually affect women 's roles in society erm everyone seems to accept the fact that our own parliament , totally dominated by men , and the sort of hours that only men can work , making it extremely difficult for women .
11 Operations manager Siobhan Hunter , who is responsible for the Morgan Grenfell contract , says : ‘ We 've been looking at computers for the past 18 months , and we went for Caterdata , having seen it in action at BE Services , the in-house caterer at the Bank of England . ’
12 Its criminal jurisdiction is , in the sixteenth century , vested in a set of commissioners welcome in practice to be invariably judges of the Common Law Courts .
13 Furthermore , Hoyle suggests that there is indeed a tension between the two approaches — that restricted professionality is unlikely in practice to be capable of extension or , put another way , that extended professionality can only be achieved at the cost of effective , restricted professionality at the classroom level .
14 It is an additional fact , too important in practice to be called incidental but not necessary enough in theory to be called inevitable , that these causal arrows have become bundled up .
15 It is n't easy in practice to be a good carer . ’
16 All this talk of bits of code being pulled out of disk and cache , being translated on the fly and wandering around networks sounds horrendously slow , but appears in practice to be blindingly fast .
17 The supposed division between ‘ general policy ’ as a matter for the Minister , and ‘ detailed execution ’ as a matter for the Boards — which was implicit in much earlier discussion of the public corporation — proved in practice to be meaningless .
18 With the exception of deeply divided societies such as Northern Ireland , it has tended in practice to be very difficult to attribute more than the most limited amount of crime to any kind of underlying ideological commitment .
19 Douglas Reed , for example , who resigned as Central European Correspondent of The Times in 1938 over his newspaper 's support for appeasement politics , and whose background and life history read like the classic facsimile of the alleged fascist , proved in practice to be a crusading anti-fascist .
20 These tactics were necessary because the major national political issues of 1935 had proved in practice to be disastrous flops for the BUF .
21 All this talk of bits of code being pulled out of disk and cache , being translated on the fly and wandering around networks sounds horrendously slow , but appears in practice to be blindingly fast .
22 Although the Critique had been intended to rescue Marxism from the sclerosis of Stalinism , Sartre found that his theory of history , far from explaining what had gone wrong when the most radical political theory turned out in practice to be one of the most oppressive , had rather shown why it had necessarily happened that way .
23 Such a training system has been found in practice to be very effective with a wide range of teachers .
24 This is an understandable reaction to some of the less interesting programmes of what turns out in practice to be a kind of " library drill " : aimless trots through catalogues and reference books by pupils carrying work-cards or slips of typed paper setting them questions to answer which nobody apart from a desperate teacher-librarian would ever think to ask .
25 The notes will also give a practical interpretation of the regulations and codify best practice , as well as be more prescriptive to clarify what have already proved in practice to be grey areas .
26 The Committee developed proposals for a scheme making it obligatory for members in practice to be insured , considered with insurers the implications of low fees and contributed to developments towards harmonisation in the EC .
27 Elsewhere there was no need to set up special bodies , but it is clear that much local administration had in practice to be devolved into the hands of local men .
28 The Lords ' remaining authority was in practice to be removed in consequence of the 1867 Reform Act , though not until the twentieth century was the House forced formally to accept its diminished status .
29 It has been found in practice to be easy to explain to the lay client and easy for such a client to comprehend .
30 Tebbit stirs row ‘ in bid to be leader ’ .
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