Example sentences of "a long [noun sg] on " in BNC.

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1 There , he opened the case , took a trowel from it , and began to dig up bulb after bulb from a long flower-bed on the other side of a path near the fence .
2 His morning swims at the Queen Mother Leisure Centre in Victoria are a vital part of his training which he describes as ‘ a treat for my body after the running ’ and , like many other runners , he will go out for a long run on a Sunday .
3 That is why I allowed a long run on question 1 today — It was longer than I would normally allow .
4 At a roadside cottage at the end of the village ( a former toll bar ) , a narrow lane turns off the main road to the left and continues beyond a crossroads and the old railway track to start a long climb on the side of Casterton Fell and ultimately come to an end at Bullpot Farm .
5 He 'd tell him , he 'd get his orders from the office , cos the Deputy Harbourmaster he would go down all the sound he sound in river and see what wanted taken out , then he 'd say to my father I 'll dredge at so and so belo below docksill and docksill what they used to do they used to , my father what he 'd do he 'd put stakes on the mud , a short stake and a long stake on account of the tide and he 'd , he 'd make an imaginary on that stake , then he 'd go ashore at Wolverston , phone up what have you got on your docksill , the fella might say it 's ten feet , well he 'd say right we 'll make that twenty feet , so that 's er , that 's what he used to work on to dredge the river .
6 the historical biography of the relationship between carer and cared for : how far was it possible for people with a long history on one particular level to relate to each other on a level of physical intimacy , faced with the disgust that caring often demands .
7 Kate took a long pull on her cigarette and sighed .
8 Gradually a long lie on a Saturday comes to mean rising at 5 p.m. in time for the Brookside omnibus , your rucksack quietly grows grey mouldy bits at the back of a dark cupboard , and The Face seems more interesting than Tom Weir 's ‘ My Month ’ .
9 For Greece , as for Germany and one other country in the NATO alliance , the cold war had shut a long border on the other side of which lay once-familiar territory .
10 It 's old ladies who show all the signs of a long life on subsistence , though they would n't necessarily see themselves as having been poor , because their husbands were n't necessarily poor .
11 They had a long discussion on the longevity of seeds and no doubt Kalm delighted in the Dictionary and later set out in his Diary a splendid commendation :
12 However , despite constant rain , getting lost around Paris and a long delay on the autobahn due to an accident , 16 hours and 640 miles later we arrived at a motel in Germany .
13 If you have spent a long day on the airfield , it will be difficult to refuse your turn to fly , even if you are tired .
14 The EVA wedge at the heel gives good shock absorption , but I wish it travelled the whole length of the boot as I find the balls of my feet get sore after a long day on the hill .
15 The characteristic cottage was brick-built on two storeys with a long window on the upper floor where the wooden frame stood to give the operator maximum light .
16 Peter and Paul , Yeadon died in Leeds Infirmary after a long illness on October 24th .
17 For my part , I endured a long disquisition on the Tractarians from a young and opinionated university liberal .
18 In the time of Diocletian the principal apartment was a long gallery on the south side facing the sea on whose façade a magnificent colonnade stretched along the Adriatic .
19 In the hills that side a long valley on the way to Sæbol there is another emergency hut .
20 The door closed , with yellow light from the kerosene lamp making a long crack on the floor .
21 Nigel 's father , former Lord Chancellor Lord Havers , was Attorney General when former spy Peter Wright was trying to publish his book Spycatcher and Havers senior fought a long battle on behalf of the British Government to ban the book .
22 An upper garment is drawn diagonally across the breasts , revealing their broad forms and falling loose below them over the tight belt which it conceals at the sides , and it hangs in a shallow curve on the left hip , a long trail on the right .
23 And there was the erm there was a top called the window breaker , and it was a special top that had got a long stem on it and a big round like a mushroom , it was like a mushroom almost .
24 The segmented worms have spherical larvae with a belt of cilia round their middles and a long tuft on top .
25 ( Later we learn that her body was carried a long distance on someone 's back , for there are only a few places in Tibet where sky burials are performed . )
26 The young kilted boys and tartan-dressed girls used to run a long distance on the canal bank in healthful rivalry , and were oftentimes rewarded by having money thrown to them .
27 Gerard has a long dissertation on it in his Herbal of 1597 , and shows four coloured illustrations of different sorts , which do not seem to be known nowadays .
28 He said that the republican leaders had discussed at the meeting financial and other support for Gorbachev " in the period after his resignation " , and he and Gorbachev had a long meeting on Dec. 23 to discuss transition arrangements .
29 There is nothing at all romantic about this sympathy for the underdog : as a midshipman , we are told , Aubrey had been disrated for an unsavoury escapade and had served a long period on the lower deck , an experience which he never forgot .
30 Gooch has been known to carry a long face on his sleeve and he may well appreciate the strength of Gatting .
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