Example sentences of "eliot had been " in BNC.

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1 The language used to describe this is reminiscent of Harrison , as well as clearly relating to the technique of Charlie Mears , Tiresias , and the dromenon- like patterning with which Eliot had been experimenting in the quatrain poems .
2 It was ten years since Eliot had been interested in Ecstasy and Dance Hypnosis among the American Indians , and had read in King about the lively ‘ moonlight dances ’ of Bushmen .
3 Tylor , about whose theories Eliot had been sceptical , was particularly strong on connecting the mental processes of savages with those of children , connections emphasized by Cornford , Frazer , Oesterley , Webb , Wundt , and others .
4 This old way , ‘ With an alien people clutching their gods ’ , looks back to the savage world which Eliot had been exploring , the world trapped in the ritual of ‘ birth , and copulation , and death ’ .
5 If Eliot had been formed by St Louis , then we should remember that for him St Louis had been not simply a city , but also ‘ the beginning of the Wild West ’ .
6 It contributed also to his stress on ‘ The Unity of European Culture ’ , though ever since ‘ Tradition and the Individual Talent ’ Eliot had been preoccupied with ‘ the mind of Europe ’ .
7 Where Modernists like Pound and Eliot had been intruders into island life , the new school of Christian apologists , in every sense that matters , were British bred even when they were not British born .
8 Technical experiments like stream-of-consciousness had died of inanition some years before , and they left few heirs ; and the poetic tradition of Eliot had been abandoned even by Eliot , who by the 1950s was writing little but plays .
9 Charles Williams had been a friend of T. S. Eliot , but Lewis 's distrust of Eliot had been implacable , and their first meeting in 1945 , at Williams 's instigation , had been no better than guarded , though they later joined as Anglicans in retranslating the Book of Common Prayer version of the Psalter .
10 Even before Vivien 's committal , Eliot had been much more free than in the days of his marriage ; in the summer of 1935 he was with Emily Hale in Gloucestershire , and also visited the Fabers in Wales .
11 The combination of prophetic denunciation and broad generalization did not appeal to his contemporaries ; as one of his colleagues in the Chandos Group ( where Eliot had been discussing the matters contained in his book ) wrote later , " It is understandable that The Idea of a Christian Society should make little appeal to the large majority of the intelligentsia .
12 For the previous ten months London and provincial cities had been bombed night after night ( on 10 May , three thousand Londoners were killed in the raids ) ; although the worst of the blitz was now over , no one knew it then , and at this perilous juncture in the war Eliot had been anxiously writing against time .
13 Eliot had been on the jury of the Fellows of the Library of Congress which had , in February 1949 , awarded the prize to Pound 's Pisan Cantos as " the highest achievement of American poetry in 1948 " .
14 What caused me concern was , as I say , the slightly uncomfortable feeling that Eliot had been bounced into writing an article which he did not particularly relish doing and to which he would in any case have wished to devote much more reflection .
15 It was after this that Brother George ( Every ) and in his own way Father Gabriel ( Herbert ) , whose book Faber 's had published , told me that , on arrival at Kelham ( as everybody called the monastic headquarters ) , Eliot had been extremely , if not painfully , shy : so much so that the Fathers had not known how to deal with him .
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