Example sentences of "barely have time " in BNC.

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1 An Old English Sheepdog needing a minimum of an hour 's grooming a day sold to a mother of four children who barely has time to brush her own hair ?
2 She barely has time to recover before Nina Myskow breezes in with a smile that makes her look like a 10-year-old ( a ten-year-old Stilton , that is ) , hurls her customary , ‘ Hello , you old bag , ’ and her reflection kisses the air beside my cheek .
3 She would ‘ have to make a very special effort ’ to build the links with other professionals — GPs , the police , consultants and others on which she had barely had time to start in the five months she was there .
4 I 've barely had time to wipe the blood off my axe after my last battle and it 's already time to hack my way through the next trail !
5 Katherine had barely had time to pull off her wire-framed pince-nez and press the palms of her hands to her eyes before Gerard had returned .
6 Fortunately the Aer Lingus 737 had delivered her from Heathrow in less than an hour , so she 'd barely had time to become bored .
7 He barely had time to pay his dues , let alone think up any new material .
8 I barely had time to notice that Masha was wearing Circassian trousers before she was in my arms , kissing my cheeks ; and Surkov was pumping my hand warmly .
9 We barely had time to exchange a glance — a glance which said despair , courage , delirium — before pointing our noses at infinity and pulling for dear life .
10 Though the sweat poured down his red face his arms went on working like pistons and Albert barely had time to stack one great , whiskery load before another came up .
11 Together they barely had time to take up a position at the far door , seize a loaded gun , drop to one knee , and aim as , with a final heave , the bulging mass of bodies exploded into the room , followed by the living .
12 The Arab barely had time to think before Li Yuan had leant forward and , looping the reins quickly over his hands , squeezed the Arab 's chest gently with both feet .
13 Slammed against his body , Caroline barely had time to catch her breath in a choked gasp before he bent to cover her mouth , his kiss so fiercely unexpected that her head fell back .
14 She barely had time to assimilate the sudden rapid rise and fall of his chest before her head was wrenched back with a less than gentle hand and her mouth was captured by his .
15 She barely had time to struggle to her feet before cruel fingers tangled in her hair and her face was jerked up to the light .
16 His dying brain barely had time to process the fading image of his killer and recognise the black-clad form with the glowing eyes as the Prophet , before its circuits closed down permanently .
17 His tongue shot out continually , dumping saliva on his lips , which barely had time to spread it around their shiny surfaces before the next load arrived .
18 Lindsey barely had time to catch a glimpse of colourful awnings and flower-filled terracotta pots before Niall had brought the car to a halt , cut the engine and was climbing out .
19 It happened so quickly , the Sharrocks barely had time to react .
20 He barely had time to greet the town 's Tory candidate Michael Fallon before being handed a single iris appropriately blue by a florist working in the shop beneath the party office .
21 The Pope and the other 765 inhabitants of the Holy See barely have time to roll out of bed before the great binge begins .
22 Thwarted , I walk on and barely have time to savour the moment before bumping into Joe .
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