Example sentences of "knowing exactly [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He sees himself crossing the road — deftly , like a native , knowing exactly which way to look for the traffic .
2 The one issue that eludes control , is knowing exactly what takes place behind the interviewing door .
3 The keys to good interviewing in all cases are thorough preparation , knowing exactly what you are looking for and having confidence in your own judgement .
4 Do n't worry if you get cold feet at the end of June — you will soon be back on target knowing exactly what you want from a loving relationship .
5 I quote it in full , in tribute to the whole glorious regiment of women shoppers , firm of purpose and knowing exactly what they want :
6 ‘ Jane can read a book while having a conversation , knowing exactly what has been said .
7 They confronted the best in the world without knowing exactly what to expect .
8 Technique is knowing exactly what to do and how to do it fast .
9 Afraid of the occupant of that room , afraid of what he might find , yet , simultaneously , knowing exactly what he would find .
10 Their work is obviously the result of struggle , of trying to create something coherent without knowing exactly what that something is , or how to find it .
11 She imagined a lifetime among her own Dreamed creations , knowing exactly what they would say next , exactly what was around every corner .
12 Polly laid her palms against the strong hard face she loved so much , knowing exactly what she wanted to do with the rest of her life .
13 ‘ No , ’ she refused , knowing exactly what was coming next .
14 Knowing exactly what was coming next , and her heart aching for poor Phena , Ellie said softly , ‘ And she could n't find any record of a David Anthony Kent having been born , having even existed — and so knew that her mother had lied . ’
15 Knowing exactly what he was asking , she nodded .
16 The growth of mail-order suppliers ( particularly for central heating ) and of do-it-yourself ‘ superstores ’ has made buying a less daunting task — no longer need the amateur feel embarrassed about not knowing exactly what he or she is looking for .
17 The difficulty seems to arise within the membership in knowing exactly what areas of responsibility each section has , what are the rules of debate for sectional conferences , are decisions taken at sectional conferences binding on the union rulebook relating to that section and within all of this sectionalization , what role does the Apex conference now play , as those members , like myself , are presumably within one of the other sections too .
18 The overall DC cycle briefly mentioned the problem of not knowing exactly what modifications are needed to which modules when raising a DC .
19 Handsome , confident , knowing exactly what he wanted , and what she ought to want , it had been hard — no , virtually impossible in her depressed state — to hold out against him .
20 So in a way I welcome the fact that these figures bear a little more relationship to the real situation er than last year 's did , but we 're still a long way short of knowing exactly what 's going on .
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