Example sentences of "survey found [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The 1986 English House Condition Survey found that 62% of dwellings lacking one or more basic facilities were occupied by people aged 60 and over .
2 The General Household Survey found that in one month in 1985 , out of people aged 65 and over , 34% had seen their doctor ; 5% had seen a nurse ; 1% had seen a health visitor ; 11% had seen a chiropodist ( footcare ) : 9% had seen a home help ; 2% had received meals on wheels ; and 5% had been to a day centre .
3 The 1987 General Household Survey found that 22% of people aged 60–69 , and 13% of those of 70 or older , were participating in voluntary work .
4 The 1964 British Election Survey found that just over half ( 51 per cent ) were satisfied with the status quo , and supporters of further nationalization outnumbered denationalizers by 28 to 21 per cent .
5 By 1979 , however , the survey found that there had been a major shift in support for privatization and public opinion remained in favour of further privatization in 1983 , and probably reflected a positive response to the Thatcher policies .
6 The same survey found that three-quarters of the electorate felt that money and welfare should be more evenly distributed in Britain .
7 The commission survey found that the housing benefit changes had short and long-term effects .
8 A small , detailed survey found that older inheritors tended to put aside much of their cash to benefit their own children .
9 A recent survey found that one third of women employees planned to have a child during the next few years .
10 The FoE- Observer tapwater survey found that 84 areas had drinking water contaminated with trihalomethanes beyond the EC limit of 100 ug/litre , including Broxbourne , Enfield , Epping Forest and Haringey in north London , most of Devon and a large tract of the Midlands from Lincoln to Montgomery .
11 A recent survey found that only about 60% of district health authorities were carrying out alphafetoprotein tests on all pregnant women in their district .
12 The 1988 General Household Survey found that in general , the further north or west the region , the lower the proportion of cohabiting couples .
13 The 1988 General Household Survey found that 29% of women and 36% of men divorced during the period 1981–84 had remarried within 2 years of divorce .
14 The 1988 British Social Attitudes Survey found that traditional female tasks such as cooking and cleaning are more likely to be shared equally when the woman works full-time .
15 An earlier GHS survey found that 10 per cent of the care provided for children in one parent families was provided by another member of their households and a further 10 per cent by a relative outside the household .
16 I once bought a mill house from a family in Cumbria , and during my survey found that a part of the land they were selling did not legally belong to them since it was not on the original conveyance from the lord of the manor .
17 The factory survey found that one quarter of Japan 's biggest factories used robots and that a second quarter had plans to install them by the end of 1982 .
18 A recent Government survey found that in women , the average intakes of iron from food were below the recommended levels .
19 A 1989 Gallup Fitness Consumer Survey found that women are not only using diets and exercise to improve their looks but also their health .
20 The NCC survey found that amongst the chairbound , the reported problems were similar in nature to those of the wider sample , but of much greater intensity .
21 The survey found that 39 per cent of British women are faithful to one partner over a lifetime , while one in 17 men and women under 59 have never had sex .
22 There is no shortage of individuals and organisations willing to supply the necessary advice , yet the DTI survey found that ‘ demand for such services was weak , particularly for the private sector .
23 The NCC survey found that external hacking posed much less of a threat to systems than malicious acts by staff or ex-staff , who were responsible for almost a third of all logical security failures and breaches .
24 In contrast , another survey found that as many as 75% of security breaches are perpetrated by insiders .
25 The survey found that ‘ the level of disclosure in airline published financial statements in relation to depreciation is usually somewhat vague .
26 A Robert Half and Accoun-temps survey found that accountants tended to opt for ‘ something more artistic and creative ’ .
27 A survey found that many employers left nearly all travel arrangements to their secretaries who rarely got any thanks .
28 Another survey found that many employers regard staff over the age of 45 as ‘ over the hill ’ .
29 Our survey found that four out of 10 boys agree it 's difficult not to have sex if all your friends are doing it .
30 Surprisingly , this survey found that couples with large families were as likely to move as those without children .
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