Example sentences of "reason for thinking " in BNC.

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1 Berkeley 's reason for thinking this was that he believed mental contents to be mental images , and there can not be a general image .
2 The reason for thinking that chloroplasts have this origin is that they still retain their own DNA and their own protein-synthesizing machinery .
3 ‘ How 's that scheme of yours coming on ? ’ you might ask him and he would reply with just a little too much nonchalance to sound natural : ‘ Oh , I had to give it up ; we had good reason for thinking that the goons were on to it . ’
4 I even hinted , without any good reason for thinking it , that in the course of time our little amateur effort at 1OAB might evolve into another commercial station , which caused considerable laughter from both my pioneer radio partners .
5 Now , he wrote , seeing that during the ‘ critical years of adolescence ’ not more than one out of every three elementary school-leavers received any kind of educational care , there ‘ is reason for thinking that once more the national minimum should be raised ’ .
6 There is another reason for thinking business expertise will be insufficient in itself to transform DHAs into authoritative bodies .
7 There is another reason for thinking that the Craigearn line is special .
8 Years ago I used to think this was a fun sport but the reason for thinking this has escaped me for the last 2 weeks .
9 If I use the expression ‘ I have toothache ’ I may think of it as ‘ being used naturally ’ or otherwise , but it would be wrong to say that I had a reason for thinking either .
10 That he did not himself fly away is strong evidence for this belief , especially if predators prefer to attack lone birds , and we have further reason for thinking that the bird believes that .
11 The second reason for thinking there will be more back-pedalling reflects shifts in what might be called the strategic and historical experience of some of the EC 's members .
12 However , there is some reason for thinking that Freud may have had something else in mind , namely , the symbols which occur in dream life , some of which are widespread among different cultures and epochs .
13 It removes a standard Behaviouralist reason for thinking that science should stick to observables and for presuming that observation can be pure .
14 There is a bad reason for thinking this , which involves taking the regress as temporal ; before I can justify A , I have to justify B and C , and so on ad infinitum , and thus I can never get started .
15 If Euclidean space-time stretches back to infinite imaginary time , or else starts at a singularity in imaginary time , we have the same problem as in the classical theory of specifying the initial state of the universe : God may know how the universe began , but we can not give any particular reason for thinking it began one way rather than another .
16 On the other hand , there is no reason for thinking that Syagrius 's power ever extended beyond Soissons .
17 Brutus has no reason for thinking that Caesar would change his nature .
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