Example sentences of "reason for doing " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We are satisfied that [ Ms Pledger ] is no longer in the food trade and putting customers at risk , which after all , is our priority reason for doing this work , ’ he said .
2 High purpose was something that could be recognized in someone , like a gleam in the eye or a tone of voice ; it meant that even when that person dabbled in something doubtful , they undoubtedly had good reason for doing so .
3 But the fact that introducing people to each other in those circumstances facilitates social contacts is itself a reason for doing so .
4 According to Kuhn , ‘ … thoroughness was not the only reason for doing this .
5 As he grows older he is naturally nearer to the world outside school ; he is ready to demand a good reason for doing whatever he is asked to do ; and he is extremely easily distracted by the problems and dramas of his own life and hard times .
6 Questioning is by way of being a bargain : ‘ You are asking me to give something up ; well then , give me a good reason for doing so . ’
7 Try and understand the reason for doing certain things .
8 Moreover , none of the arguments put forward in favour of keeping IBM in one piece actually offers a good reason for doing so .
9 All you need is the PC itself , a network to connect it to , access to the network cable , some info about logging on , a network adaptor card plus a screwdriver ( or an external connector gizmo that plugs into the parallel port ) , the right software drivers , a chequebook and a reason for doing it .
10 The stated reason for doing so is that an increasing number of cardholders are paying their bill at the end of each month , pay nothing for the card , and are therefore being subsidised by those who do use the credit facility .
11 Tom thought this a ridiculous reason for doing something ( or not doing something ) , because a person who knew nothing about it asked you .
12 If everybody else is bankrolling Australian entrepreneurs , or expanding expensively into the US , or financing umpteen deals with untold debt , that 's a very good reason for doing something completely different .
13 The reason for doing this should now be a little clearer : although democracy has often been equated with a system of government , or recently even more narrowly with a method of choosing a government , too much stress on government diverts attention from one of the most constant aspirations behind the idea of democracy — the desire to bridge , or even to abolish , the gap between government and the governed , state and society , which is taken for granted in so much conventional political thinking .
14 1 Entertain only if you have a good reason for doing so and only if you have something of value to impart to the guest .
15 Perhaps the most important and least obvious reason for doing archaeology is that , in many ways , the past is the key to the present and to the future .
16 Although taxation was a common reason for convening representative members , it was by no means the only reason for doing so ; nor was it , in proportion to the time spent on it , the principal or most demanding business of parliament .
17 The justices made the order and , in giving their reason for doing so , stated that the order was required so that the child could be given help and guidance to meet his special needs .
18 There is an additional reason for doing so .
19 They all seek declarations to the following effect : ( a ) that as a matter of law in the case of a prisoner serving a mandatory life sentence the Secretary of State is required to set a period for retribution and deterrence which does not exceed the tariff recommended by the judiciary ; ( b ) that the Secretary of State is required by law to tell the prisoner what period the judiciary have recommended , and the reasons for that recommendation , and also if he has departed from that recommendation to tell the prisoner his reason for doing so ; ( c ) that the prisoner is entitled to be given the opportunity to make representations to the Secretary of State before the tariff is set , and for this purpose to be told of any information upon which the Secretary of State will make his decision which is not in his , the prisoner 's , possession .
20 In making his decision , he seeks the advice of the judiciary , but if he has good reason for doing so , he is , as a matter of law , entitled to set a tariff period different from that recommended by the judges .
21 Miranda said , ‘ People only say that when they ca n't think of any other reason for doing something damned stupid . ’
22 There 's no reason for doing it .
23 Many people reckon we are all a bit loony spending all our spare time going round the non-League grounds of the M/SV but I can think of one really good reason for doing it .
24 In particular , do not start with the historical background if you are not asked for it , unless you have some special reason for doing this — and if so , state the reason .
25 She was not so far gone in the sinful practice of dissimulation that she felt free to claim that she meant to ask them because she knew Betty would be pleased , and she could think of no other remotely credible reason for doing so .
26 ‘ Expediency is a poor reason for doing anything , ’ he said in Yek , and saw his father frown .
27 So often I wonder whether it 's my right to capitalise … on the grief of others , but then I justify my own particular thoughts by feeling that if I can contribute a little to the understanding of what others are going through , then there is a reason for doing it . ’
28 Even drinking in a public bar may be considered to be solitary if the principal reason for doing so is the consumption of alcohol rather than for specific social contact .
29 Erm and basically er the , the reason for doing it that way is that erm , I do n't want to set up a situation where erm I 'm some sort of expert and I er this is not a matching process , okay ?
30 The first is that people should read signposts when they have no reason for doing so ( the reason is the management 's ) and the second is that they " should be willing — and should remember — to follow the instructions .
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