Example sentences of "things [conj] happen " in BNC.

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1 And I 've rejected nothing , but the things that happen when working expand the horizons and the understanding .
2 The erosion of values and moral standards , the relativism of life , the shocking things that happen , reveal that our civilization is but a veneer that hides a viciousness and rottenness that frighten us all .
3 The first concerns antecedent events , that is , those things that happen and act as ‘ triggers ’ for specific behaviours .
4 She ca n't ever get over some of the things people do , things that happen , every day .
5 Then , as Alex Saward , Harlequins ' press officer , put it , ‘ one of those things that happen in rugby ’ happened .
6 That 's why people invent gods , even vicious , vengeful ones , to account for all the awful things that happen . ’
7 Is n't it awful , ’ said Breeze , ‘ that so many of the nice things that happen to one person have a sort of reflex action on another ?
8 I mean , I 'm not into things that happen for effect or for taste ; I like doing things that mean something .
9 As a matter of fact , all the playing that I do , the fingering and the fast stuff that I try to do , does n't turn me on half as much as the accidental feedbacks and things that happen with the more experimental side of my guitar playing .
10 Despite all the things that happen to us , such as religious conversion , dreams , accidents , bereavement , psychological shock — all those things that pull us out of everyday reality — we tend to slip back to a belief that there is a bedrock of common sense and sensibility at the heart of things .
11 Nonetheless , two microseconds is a long time compared with many things that happen in and around the atomic nucleus , and the muon has a chance to initiate several fusions before it dies .
12 The observable things that happen to the child immediately after the problem behaviour occurs .
13 He said : ‘ There are things that happen in life over which you have no control .
14 Probably it was simply one of those things that happen , or that you think happen , when you 're smashed and half-asleep .
15 Similarly , Wittgenstein 's fact-presupposing explanation of the meaning of pain-language is in terms of things that happen naturally .
16 Nature , Sickert insisted , is not going to sit still and wait till you have got what is there — all the most interesting things that happen are of the most momentary description .
17 all the things that happen , all these sighs of oppression , because I think really what we 're talking about , whether it be within the family or it be within the media , all the signs of women as er sexist
18 So when you first get a bruise injury those are the sorts of things that happen .
19 Tell me some of the things that happen when you 're you 're working out a function , what would what would be the the overall picture if someone was going to work out a function ?
20 ‘ I was talking about some of the funny things that happen there and Mum said it was the sort of place he should be going to . ’
21 You will make decisions , have adventures and then describe the things that happen to you .
22 Erm I was looking through some of the books for some of the startling figures and things that happen in world trade .
23 And how they choose to spend it can affect things that happen in the world .
24 They 're the sort of things that happen ?
25 She was encouraged , because it seemed she could rely absolutely on that devoted attention , but discouraged , too , because he looked and was so young , and what could he know of marriage and widowhood , and the things that happen to women ?
26 ( a ) Why might society wish to ban drugs that neither help nor harm the diseases they are claimed to cure ? ( b ) It is sometimes argued that regulatory bodies will be blamed for bad things that happen in spite of the regulations ( e.g. a plane crash ) but not blamed so much for good things that are prevented ( e.g. the quick availability of a safe and useful drug ) by stringent tests and regulations .
27 Erm there are different things that e effect consumer policy , environmental policy , and there are lots of things that happen in the educational field .
28 It would enclose within it , a traditional economic development strategy for the work this Committee 's helping , but it should look in a wider issue , and seek to influence wider , wider things that happen within the county .
29 Yeah it 's for some er it 's for somebody to get a general idea of the kind of things that happen in lectures .
30 Their expertise lies in enabling others and others to take advantage of arts facilities and helping them erm or working with them to produce the things that happen , for example all the erm posters which were up during last years festival erm were produced in conjunction with community arts which erm has erm er produced on Ditchfern Place , erm and earlier this morning I was thinking that up as I think other councillors did , that more serious of projects which community arts are now entering into er in Chesterton in particularly in the children erm I think councillors went to Dickfield women 's photograph project and it is things like that about giving people confidence to join arts in a way erm with which they might never otherwise have experienced and the community arts have taken just that .
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