Example sentences of "that enable them " in BNC.

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1 Unit-trust managers are paid for the share-picking and dealing skills that enable them to do better than elderly aunts ( how much better is a question : supposedly index-tracking funds scored only from 88.4% to 93.2% over the period ) .
2 ( 1987 ) in their efforts to provide training that would maximize the effectiveness of indigenous paraprofessional social service workers was that such training should specifically seek to strengthen those very attributes that enable them to maintain contact with and work effectively in their own communities ( p. 15 ) .
3 Other species are attached to rocks by means of tough threads ( byssus ) that enable them to hang on even in turbulent situations ; mussels can colonize even the most inhospitable rock surfaces in this way .
4 Witnesses describe gremlins as looking like rabbits or bulldogs , sometimes wearing spats , top hat and breeches , and with long , webbed feet that enable them to move quietly .
5 To take a fairly dramatic example , honey-bees are capable of extremely sophisticated mathematical computations that enable them to navigate from their hives to sources of nectar , using the sun 's position as a guide and compensating for its movement during the course of the day .
6 They may also lose the generous donations from the European Community that enable them to pay what they owe abroad .
7 The function of fiduciary duties is to provide the courts with standards of review that enable them to guarantee that corporate managers do not act outside the limits of their special competence .
8 She has been compelled by her ancestry to leave the sea and come to these beaches to breed , for seals are descended from land-living mammals and although their limbs have become efficient paddles and their bodies are streamlined for swimming , unlike whales and dolphins they have not yet evolved techniques that enable them to give birth at sea .
9 Maybe it is these that enable them to feel within their bodies the contours of the earth 's magnetic forces .
10 If the advantages of decentralization of decision making are to be preserved , firms must be able to operate within a set of rules for competition that enable them to identify what strategies are likely to attract scrutiny , and what strategies they can pursue without hindrance .
11 that professionals may acquire amounts of power and influence that enable them to determine their own activities .
12 Natural selection will therefore favour adaptations in males that enable them to mate with more females ; but it will favour discrimination in females , if males vary in their quality as mates .
13 Rincewind looked around nervously for a tall figure in black ( wizards , even failed wizards , have in addition to rods and cones in their eyeballs the tiny octagons that enable them to see into the far octarine , the basic colour of which all other colours are merely pale shadows impinging on normal four-dimensional space .
14 But if as a Westerner you can not read the abacus , or the scales , it is bad luck , because the assumption is that everyone shares the skills that enable them to do this .
15 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what steps he intends to take to ensure that British firms are able to obtain political risk insurance with speed and on terms that enable them to compete on equal terms with their international competitors .
16 Informed by critiques of the insufficiency of both the concept of ‘ the political ’ and hence , the orthodox measures by which political activities are estimated , the investigators have devised research techniques that enable them to explore the multi-faceted nature of political participation .
17 We have a responsibility not only to provide businesses with access to information , but also with structures that enable them to talk to each other and to trade with the residential community ; and ,
18 However , more than half of DSD 's members have not paid them the fees that enable them to use the green dot and the company , with a deficit expected to reach DM800 million by the end of the year , is on the verge of bankruptcy .
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