Example sentences of "the time interval " in BNC.

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1 By thus increasing the time interval between successive poisonings , the owls can reduce labour and material costs and lessen the impact of pesticides on the environment as a whole .
2 The time interval between the mother eating the food and the baby suffering symptoms can vary from one day to several days .
3 Clearly , the longer the time interval between the two assessments the greater the chances that there will be differences .
4 Using the theory outlined in Fig.1 ( ref.10 ) , the time interval t ( 5.3min ) between the events seen by EISCAT and the step in the lower cut-off of the ion energy seen by F10 ( from E 1 1.2 keV to E 2 200eV ) yield a distance from the satellite to the neutral line ( X in Fig.1 ) of d10 5 km ( 16 Earth radii R E ) .
5 The usefulness of this framework was limited , however , as the dates of occupation were known for very few sites ; and furthermore , the time interval between sites and finds was also unknown .
6 The time interval between one bird stopping and the other starting is so short that we can not detect it , and the duet sounds to us like a continuous solo .
7 The speed of a pulse of light is the distance it travels between two events , divided by the time interval between the events .
8 The tower clock by the bed told her it was five-fifteen , almost three then , if she remembered the time interval correctly .
9 Now , suppose that a pattern mask is presented during the time interval between the activation of the target 's letter detector , and the transmission of the code from the letter detector level to the appropriate output system .
10 More generally , if reaction time is plotted against the time interval between target and recognition point , the result should be a function which increases linearly .
11 The distance from the Earth to the spacecraft can be determined very accurately from the time interval between sending a radio signal to the spacecraft , which it receives and immediately acknowledges by sending a signal to the Earth with its own radio , and the receipt on the Earth of the acknowledgement .
12 The time interval between the arrival of successive waves at the spaceship would get longer and longer , so the light from the star would appear redder and redder and fainter and fainter .
13 That is , each event could be labeled by a number called " time " in a unique way , and all good clocks would agree on the time interval between two events .
14 Thus the time taken to unroll a carpet is very short compared with the time interval between the arrival of successive consignments .
15 If a clock travels from P 1 to P 2 then the time interval it measures between these events is called the proper time Δτ , with .
16 By integrating this last equation from r to infinity the time interval measured at a remote point where the gravitational potential is negligible can be compared with the same time interval measured at r : Re-expressing this result in terms of the gravitational potential gives .
17 The time interval t(0) measured remotely is called the coordinate time and the time t ( φ); measured where the gravitational potential is – is called the local proper time .
18 The trends observed by analysis of Table 3 suggest that there has been a steady growth in research on Scottish geology , but that there have been differences in growth rates between universities over the time interval .
19 This retractive action of linear uncrosslinked polymers can be observed if the time interval between extension and release is short , but if the stress is maintained for some time , then a relaxation process takes place allowing the tension to decay eventually to zero .
20 The half-life of a radioactive substance is the time interval taken for the radiant species present to lose half its radioactivity .
21 The velocity of propagation was measured in cm/ second as the mean of 10 consecutive values by determining the time interval in seconds between the beginning of the upstroke of the contractions at 5 and 15 cm above the lower oesophageal sphincter and then dividing 10 ( the distance in cm between the proximal and distal ports ) by that figure .
22 Although the time interval between the last dose of cyclosporin A and the assessment of pancreatic eicosanoid formation was 18 hours , this can not explain the lack of inhibitory action of cyclosporin A on pancreatic eicosanoid formation .
23 The time interval between surgery and rebleeding was very variable , in one case occurring over four years after the initial operation .
24 Rousettus clicks its tongue loudly and rhythmically as it flies , and navigates by measuring the time interval between each click and its echo .
25 Thus the wave is zero during the time interval — while it is over the time intervals — and — .
26 Considering U(t) to be in the time interval , yields in the same time interval .
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