Example sentences of "not far enough " in BNC.

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1 Roirbak was afraid he 'd pushed him too far , or maybe not far enough .
2 It was not far enough , as there was still downward straggle , so we moved further up the ladder to cubes .
3 First the polarisation detectors were not far enough apart to rule out the possibility of overlapping single-particle wave functions ; and secondly the pairs of detected photons were not space-like separated — a signal travelling at the speed of light could have passed between the two sets of apparatus .
4 As you knit , the needles that are selected to tuck move forward of the needlebed far enough to collect the yarn , but not far enough for the stitch on the needle to go behind the latch and knit off .
5 For him this was a move in the right direction , though not far enough .
6 That is , they will move forward far enough to collect a loop of yarn ( if we were knitting ) , but not far enough for a stitch to go behind the latch and knit .
7 ‘ Maastricht went too far for public opinion , but not far enough to allow Europe to deal effectively with the problems it faces , such as Yugoslavia , ’ says an exasperated German official .
8 If a policy is a complex and ambiguous phenomenon , with aspects that go ‘ too far ’ for some people and ‘ not far enough ’ for others , it is important to acknowledge that the dissensus that attends its ‘ birth ’ will continue to affect its implementation .
9 Look Clare — look what was here ; fil-filthy mean little houses not far enough apart for the wind to blow between them ; derelict factories with slates slipping off them and armies of rats — not a blade of grass in sight .
10 The move was far enough in suggest the future transfer of greater validation responsibility in institutions , but not far enough to suggest the degree of autonomy that many of the polytechnic directors had sought .
11 My argument is that statecentrism , whether in its directly state-centrist form or in indirect forms , takes us quite far but not far enough .
12 So I would say that the North Yorkshire er figure in summary , goes in the right direction but not far enough .
13 What is it that happens on the ground that in your view makes it not far enough ?
14 Not far enough .
15 Ian 's not far enough across the board to do anything to me .
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