Example sentences of "not be relied " in BNC.

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1 However , this increase in speed must not be relied on if the launch is too slow and the pilot wants more speed , because the cause of a slow launch may be the beginning of a power failure , in which case steepening up in the hope of creating more speed would be dangerous .
2 It is the essential but usually overlooked fact that in any psychophysical experiment when , for example , subjects are asked whether or not they perceive a stimulus , their responses , verbal or otherwise , can not be relied on as accurate accounts of their conscious experiences .
3 But he can not be relied upon for ever .
4 Reading right-wing papers also made people more inclined to believe the Conservative Party had convincing policies and was likely to keep its promises , that Kinnock was neither decisive , nor trustworthy , nor a good leader of a team , and especially that he could not be relied upon to stand up for British interests against the USSR .
5 The police commander judged the cordon could not be relied upon to withstand the increasingly aggressive crowd .
6 Abraham would seem to be dealing with a God who has his own cruelty , and who can not be relied upon to keep his promises .
7 Therefore , because it is unlikely that there will ever be revised editions , and because I should just hate to see my name on anything that could not be relied on , the probability is that the books will progressively be withdrawn from publication after a currency of a few years . ’
8 Statistics for the UK chemical industry , as provided by the government , can not be relied on , warned Freeman .
9 The point is that reasons that could have been relied upon to justify action before his decision can not be relied upon once the decision is given .
10 Family help could not be relied on , even in a crisis .
11 Ladies and gentlemen , let me myself hazard a guess as to the answer , for such a gentleman capable of the levels of deceit he has displayed over these past days should not be relied upon to provide a truthful reply .
12 These are the chronically mentally ill and minors , and , if the above is accepted , also include those whose judgment , others assert , can not be relied upon .
13 Thirdly , thorough cooking and rapid cooking will usually destroy pathogens although it can not be relied on to destroy spores or preformed toxins .
14 Keynesians have remained very sceptical of this mechanism , arguing that neither the increase in the real money supply nor the real balance effect will have a significant effect on aggregate demand- and so can not be relied upon to reduce unemployment .
15 Customs confirmed that parts of the leaflet could not be relied on in a recent appeal at the London VAT Tribunal by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children .
16 The present situation shows that debtors themselves can not be relied upon to tell courts when their debts are paid .
17 Such players as Clive Allen and Tony Cottee are shockingly under-valued these days because they can not be relied upon to step up their work-rate , to coin a phrase .
18 Jumping was again the problem when he ran an appalling race at Ascot subsequently , and he simply can not be relied upon to reproduce his Boxing Day effort .
19 Although the pattern recogniser gives higher confidences to some characters , these confidences should not be relied upon too heavily .
20 The ferry too can not be relied on throughout the year but will generally be available on request .
21 But , Kähler insisted , precisely this principle can not be relied upon in the case of Jesus , because of the witness of the Bible and of Christian experience of him that he is unique , perfect and free from sin .
22 The Tide tables can not be relied on for precise highs and lows of the tides .
23 Almost by definition , crises are periods when the normally routinized operations of the bureaucracy are insufficient or can not be relied on , when decisions have to be quickly pushed up through the chain of command , and where unusually large and direct role in controlling policy implementation has to be taken by political leaders .
24 Indeed , Professor Roskell has gone so far as to suggest that the nobility could not be relied upon to attend parliament in the 1350s and 1360s even when they were present in England , and that these parliaments amounted to little more than tax bargaining sessions between the king and the commons .
25 The court took the view that since the contract was formed at the reception desk , the notice in the bedroom did not form part of the contract , thus it could not be relied upon by the hotel as excluding liability .
26 Under such circumstances speculative capital movements can not be relied upon to offset any temporary deficit on the current account because capital flows may prove to be volatile in an uncertain world .
27 So fiscal policy on its own can not be relied upon to achieve all the macroeconomic objectives simultaneously since it operates essentially through the channel of aggregate demand .
28 MacArthur understood the danger from the Soviet Union and now stated that he knew a Soviet promise to observe Japanese neutrality could not be relied on .
29 Where an absolute norm for English can not be relied on , the next best thing is to compare the corpus whose style is under scrutiny with one or more comparable corpuses , thus establishing a relative norm .
30 For him the " prevailing intellectual climate " can not be relied upon to " complement and complete specialist training " ; nor can specialist training offer a " discipline " suited to developing the sense of " social responsibility " favoured by inter-war model of English studies , in its emphasis upon the past , has little to offer on those crucial " cultural " questions of quality of living , " human ends as well as means " , or on the relations between culture and economic processes .
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