Example sentences of "something [conj] [vb -s] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But no I mean as I say some of the content was was was very interesting and er the concept is er well it 's something that excites me .
2 Well you 've just you 've just er allow you 've just said something that allows me er to bring in er the way in which we approach advertising sales er Robert because er all of us who 've been in tra traditional sales , and I 'm I 'm just er that was my background as well er in addition to recruitment , er we are not used to giving everything over the phone before we go to see the people .
3 As once you have dealt with history , you have to put in place something that keeps it up to date , without too much labour and without erm , a major hole there where things fall into the middle cover and come out .
4 He particularly delights in riding near the front of the field so that he can watch the hounds at work — something that fascinates him .
5 They might look at you the wrong way , say something that annoys you .
6 So in order to have something that enables you to keep records of two or three hundred customers , and then of course to be able to print out some sort of lists or invoices at the end of it , you would need to pay , probably even now , a couple of thousand pounds , and very often of course more .
7 Longman had a very , very er , very good increase in profits and the Addison Wesley loss , which is bigger in the first half than usual er , is n't something that bothers me particularly , I 'm really quite relaxed about full year performance , but just to make sure they 're er , attacking erm , expenses , travel , administration , that kind but nothing in the erm , book investment programme .
8 Always hang on to something that tells them who they are — and tells me , too , in this case .
9 There is so much to see and do ; everyone will find something that suits them .
10 Theists describe a constant dependence of the world not upon something outside it — if we define the universe broadly enough nothing can be outside it — but upon something that transcends it .
11 Will he take this opportunity to confirm that it is the three strands that will form the basis of any future talks , and that against that background there will always be the Anglo-Irish Agreement , until the two Governments feel that they have something that transcends it ?
12 The pain is not something that scares me .
13 So y w feel free now to ask questions I mean , you must have something that worries you about about this partic I can only really talk about the exam .
14 So the fallibility and the arrogance of human justice is something that obsesses you ?
15 Make sure you do something that relaxes you ; it can mean reading the newspaper , taking a walk , talking to people you like , etc .
16 ‘ Thought I ca n't say that redemption is something that preoccupies me greatly . ’
17 ‘ I think the players are used to lack of recognition , but it is something that puzzles me .
18 Weather is something that effects us all , so Charlie and her team will use the latest technology to bring 21st Century forecasting to your screen , 8 years early .
19 This may well be one of those rare occasions when light aircraft pilots have the opportunity to shape something that affects them .
20 I just need something that reminds you of what you 've done rather than , er
21 Er , ask a fellow to speak on something that interests him , and you 're sure to get a more interesting speech .
22 ‘ It 's something that interests me a lot .
23 If people are n't interested in , in evaluation of something that concerns them , then nothing will happen at the end of it .
24 If people are n't interested in an evaluation of something that concerns them , then nothing will happen at the end of it .
25 Something that wants me to pay attention right now .
26 Something that wants me to pay attention right now .
27 Something that wants to change me … something that wants me to change it .
28 You have to remember only that from each such encounter he must , to make the story one of continuing progress and placate Thomas Ozro MacAdoo , take some new fact , something that leads him on , in most cases , to another confrontation — and take us , the readers , with him .
29 From the rosebud doubles to the richly coloured , eyeless cowichans hybrids and dainty , dark-leaved ‘ Garryarde ’ , they all have something that makes them irresistible .
30 Thus Akhsharumov directs the reader to something that makes him certain he holds a masterpiece in his hands before he has read half a dozen pages : a single pre-natal life , a foetal stirring and growth , no ordinary robust narrative sense of something afoot .
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