Example sentences of "work for some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Both sides appeared keen to work for some kind of reconciliation , although how much of their willingness to co-operate was purely political was never made clear .
2 Soon it became clear that Sarah was seriously ill with rheumatic fever and would not be able to work for some time , and another girl , Hetty , was engaged temporarily .
3 Phone call from our School Nurse to let us know that the School Doctor , who had to cancel medicals because of illness , is out of hospital but will not be back to work for some time .
4 I always get on very well with English prisoners of the R. A. F. I worked for some time at the prison camp where you 'll be going tomorrow , and there I made many good English friends , especially — . ’
5 ‘ She is an unmarried middle-aged lady who , after having worked for some while as a district nurse and in health care nursing , in 1968 began fostering children .
6 Geoff Tulloch got hold of the idea that she 'd worked for some corporation in Detroit for a year .
7 Because I have worked for some time now on the forming of music and sounds , and through this specific endeavour have become aware of the " molecular structure " parallel , I can see great form in " Beautiful Landscape Traversed By Electricity Pylons " , " Tiny Aeroplane In One Expansive Sky " , " One Cup of Tea With Spoon And Attached Shadows " , " One Bogey Slightly Protruding From Person 's Nose " and , apart from when I 'm blackly depressed , Life is seen from inside me to be better every day because of my positive use of the rich energy that is emitted from every thing , live or dead .
8 You may be expected as well to have already worked for some time in a related financial area , such as stock broking .
9 Oxford 's bluff worked for some time , but when by late 1713 the Jacobites finally realised they had been taken for a ride , they began to look to Bolingbroke for support .
10 Yeah and it , of course it was an icy road when he went through there it was your side 's not working for some reason .
11 Some would say that there is nothing remarkable or wrong in working for some group and being paid to answer some question that the group regards as important .
12 Although fitted with an alarm courtesy of the Venice in Peril Fund , this had not been working for some time .
13 First appearing as tiny black spots on the upper surfaces of leaves , this is the outward sign that the fungus has already been inside the tissue and working for some time .
14 But if I 've been away working for some time , it 's completely different .
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