Example sentences of "must [vb infin] that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He added , ‘ But I must emphasize that at this stage we simply can not tell .
2 ‘ You must know that by now , but do you love me ? ’
3 Those who are working and hoping , however feebly , to encompass the lives of boys and girls with wholesome atmosphere must know that in regard to sexuality two factors stand out .
4 I said I must watch that on Monday night , I like the wildlife programmes .
5 Neither do we find any reference to the thousands of Canadians who served with the US Army in Vietnam , though one must assume that at least some sources for this subject have been published .
6 One must assume that at least some of these people would have spoken in the light of their personal experience .
7 Because people seem either to write or commission reports at the slightest excuse you must assume that in most cases a formal , written report is not in fact wanted .
8 We must assume that in 280 B.C. Cineas spoke Greek in the Roman Senate and was translated by an interpreter ( Plut .
9 Since the telephone directory is circulated to all government offices throughout the country one must assume that by now the Russians have managed to see a copy .
10 The staff who carry out internal verification must ensure that for each award good assessment instruments are available , that the assessors ' judgments on candidates ' work are objective , consistent and in line with the standards for the award , and that the appropriate procedures have been followed .
11 We have no way of measuring the immediate impact of this writing on Jewish readers because we have no document we can safely date about 300 B.C. But if it is true that Kohelet , Ecclesiastes , wrote in the early third century B.C. , one must acknowledge that at least one of the Jewish sages was not prepared to play the part the Greeks had assigned to him .
12 Like the hon. Gentleman , I must acknowledge that in such a wide-ranging debate I will not have time to deal with many of the points raised .
13 You must remember that to every ten real connoisseurs there are a hundred ignoramuses .
14 One must remember that at the height of the cement boom in this valley the number of men employed ran into thousands if one considers the barge trade as well .
15 Miriam : Yes , but you must remember that through the efforts of the older generation we have been fighting it , we have n't been tolerating it passively .
16 Looking back to the opening statement of the first article last month , we must remember that in the main we are thinking about these designs as decoration rather than as pure picture-making .
17 We must remember that in 1600 , when Galileo was at Padua , the Inquisition had burned Giordano Bruno to death for daring to say that he did not believe in transubstantiation of bread into body and wine into the blood of Christ at the Eucharist .
18 Modern man must remember that in earlier times people washed less frequently and that , however chauvinistic we may find it today , women were usually available to fetch water whenever it was needed , even over a distance of several miles .
19 One must remember that in different contexts the question , ‘ Whose land is this ? ’ could be answered , equally correctly , by giving the name of the lord , the peasant or possibly that of some intermediate tenant .
20 In conclusion , one must remember that in all cases of contributory negligence the burden of proof lies on the party alleging it .
21 Indeed , we must suspect that under the interests theory the criterion of personal responsibility is no more than a function of social policy : the more highly the interest is regarded , the closer we are drawn towards unlimited personal responsibility .
22 Since most of my work necessarily consists in ( ii ) rather than in ( i ) or ( iii ) , I think I must conclude that on the whole I am happy in my work .
23 After leaving the prairies in 1937 my working career took me to many lands around the world for 37 years , and I must confess that during all that time I scarcely thought of my old friend Edna Jacques until January of 1974 , when we were living in Anguilla .
24 I must confess that in the case of Mariss Jansons , I have ( on record at least ) so far failed to hear quite what all the fuss has been about .
25 I must confess that in all the times I read Madame Bovary , I never noticed the heroine 's rainbow eyes .
26 That said , we must note that in common with so many other innovators , Durkheim 's insights can also be found to some extent in the works of others .
27 Although Gregory came into conflict with Chilperic over the immunities of Tours , the original concessions must indicate that in certain circumstances kings were happy to make grants to their bishops .
28 Note : If we are to complete the list of known domestic creatures to which Gustave played host , we must record that in October 1842 he suffered an infestation of crab-lice .
29 The fact that conflict produces anti-labour , or a contingent situation that was not the original aim of either conflictual group , must mean that in this schema History has a negative unity , notwithstanding the troubled formulation of the singular-universal .
30 A line constructed through the centres of the two circles cuts the left hand circle at Bishops Cannings and I must admit that at the time I did the preparation for the article thought little more about this point .
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