Example sentences of "back [prep] [art] house " in BNC.

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1 Gentle headed back through the house to the lounge , Klein following , muttering to himself .
2 Then he snaked back through the house in silence , arriving at the front door just a couple of seconds ahead of her .
3 She looked in the garden again and then went back through the house and out on to the road .
4 The path leads down and around to a brick-paved seating area situated beneath a climber-covered arbour looking back towards the house .
5 The idea of going out in the garden to sit looking back towards the house was popular , as was the line of the path , laid in stock bricks in a colour best described as crushed strawberry .
6 From the path below I looked back towards the house .
7 He watched her car depart ; he stood on the terrace , and looked across towards the city , then back towards the house .
8 Back towards the house , a wattle fence divides off the western side of the garden .
9 We took a step back towards the house and the ground shook again , strongly .
10 He had heard the shooting and come rapidly back towards the house .
11 He nodded back towards the house .
12 He dumped it down behind the boat-house and went back towards the house , then after a bit he came down again with a picture , and dumped that , then he took the bag and made off up the path with it . ’
13 They began to walk back towards the house .
14 Isobel turned and began to walk back towards the house .
15 When she looked back towards the house , Carla 's face was at the window , peering out like a sailor 's wife watching for masts at the quayside .
16 When he reached the end of the street , Scott turned and looked back towards the house .
17 At the bottom of the slope , on the terrace above the ornamental lake , a woman was walking , looking back towards the house .
18 She started back towards the house .
19 We went back towards the house .
20 With Thérèse at her side she began to walk back towards the house .
21 People began to walk back towards the house .
22 He flung the book to the ground and stormed back towards the house , leaving Melissa open-mouthed .
23 " Okay it 's the cops , " said the lady finally , and strode back towards the house I was thrashing and clawing but with Agnes still slumped on my middle and the whisky bottle and everything I could n't seem to writhe my way upright .
24 He began to walk back towards the house .
25 Finally she turned round and , slowly and very reluctantly , began to make her way back towards the house .
26 She began to walk very slowly back towards the house .
27 The cool air caressed her bare arms , and Folly shivered and turned back towards the house .
28 He pulled the window up quickly and it was too dark for her to see him step back towards the house .
29 Parry led Giles safely back towards the house .
30 She turned , heart pounding , head spinning with the unjustness of his whole attitude , and marched back towards the house , oblivious of everything except her need to get away from that detestable man .
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