Example sentences of "may be [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 For the good student , therefore , there is nothing more important in examination technique than dividing up his time as equally as may be between all the questions .
2 It may be about that .
3 There is then not only a relative gap to be filled , in these new terms , but also , from the quality of some of the work on the arts carried out from other positions , a sense of challenge : indeed a sense that it may be above all in this still major area that the qualities of the kinds of thinking represented by the contemporary convergence stand most to be tested .
4 An undated letter from John Howard to the duke of Norfolk , which can probably be assigned to 1469 , assured Norfolk of Gloucester 's good will : ‘ I did remember your lordship to my lord , promising you I found my lord as well disposed toward you as any lord may be to another … whereof I was right glad to hear it . ’
5 An undated letter from John Howard to the duke of Norfolk , which can probably be assigned to 1469 , assured Norfolk of Gloucester 's good will : ‘ I did remember your lordship to my lord , promising you I found my lord as well disposed toward you as any lord may be to another … whereof I was right glad to hear it . ’
6 However distasteful it may be to some people , this does at least provide a rational explanation for the behaviour of those bystanders , even if it does not excuse them .
7 A widower can become something of a ‘ cause ’ to those living in the same street or block of flats , whereas a widow , although not shunned , may be to some extent avoided by all but the most caring individuals in the early days of her bereavement .
8 There is no good reason why that traditional understanding should now be abandoned , however inconvenient it may be to some of those who would otherwise like to shelter under the umbrella of the term " democracy " .
9 There is some evidence ( by no means conclusive ) to indicate that the " hyper-male " situation ( XYY ) may be to some extent associated with aggressive tendencies and the XXY or XXXX situation with ultra.femininity .
10 There is certainly a case for insisting on the democratic control of the EMS , but that means getting more , not less involved in European politics , messy , complex and frustrating as they may be to those who long for simple black-and-white , left-and-right simplicities .
11 This is that , no matter how good any one predator 's vision may be under some conditions , it can be exceedingly poor under other conditions .
12 In the reader example , the fact that the person is female may be of such insignificance that it is not even included as an attribute .
13 Unlike an industrial accident involving a single emission source , the pollutants contributing to an urban smog are emitted from numerous diverse sources and may be of many types .
14 Unluckily , this may be of little help to the reader if the pictures illustrated are used as mere decoration , and not the subject of critical discussion .
15 IT MAY be of little comfort to Euro Disney 's shareholders , but all France 's leisure parks are struggling to make ends meet .
16 Staff should be made aware that some of the most sinister fetal heart rate decelerations ( late ) are often shallow and difficult to detect ; some of the most obvious with greatest amplitude ( variable ) may be of little or no pathological importance .
17 For example , it may be of little value that the authorities are able to control interest rates via monetary instruments if the relevant objectives are not very sensitive to changes in interest rates .
18 For example , collocations extracted from the domain of Banking may be of little use when processing a medical report , since words like ’ charge ’ behave differently when used to describe a type of payment rather than a type of nurse .
19 Demographics , for instance , may be of little concern to innovators in fundamental industrial processes like steel making , although Mergenthaler 's Linotype machine became successful primarily because there were not enough skilled typesetters available to satisfy a mass market .
20 By the same token , new knowledge may be of little relevance to someone innovating a social instrument to satisfy a need that changing demographics or tax laws have created .
21 Development shoot-outs as suggested by one researcher may be a way of widening the solution arena ( Quinn , 1986 ) , but if the uncertainties are too high even this approach may be of little value .
22 Audit is an ex post event and improvements in this important function may be of little long-term value if they are not coupled with more general reforms of the accountability of government .
23 ( The type and purpose of those structures may be of little importance . )
24 This blurring of the boundaries may be of little consequence to users of the service , but it does have implications for the type of care they receive and which agency remains financially responsible for arranging that care .
25 With the wide availability of private transport their location may be of little significance unless tile primary demand is for retirement homes , when prospective purchasers will be heavily dependent on local services .
26 This does not in itself mean that the analysis is invalid , and some of the deficiencies may be of little quantitative significance .
27 Obviously , though , if M-tense and L-tense get too far apart , M-tense may be of little use to the analysis of language .
28 On the other hand , the student 's difficulties may be of another kind : that his reading ability is poor and he has trouble in comprehending the work-card , for instance .
29 Granville eventually inherited the estate and his connection with Stoke Poges may be of more than usual significance .
30 In other words it is possible that local social and ecological facts may be of more importance when interpreting crime than broad processes such as modernization .
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