Example sentences of "may be [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 How great the effect of the interfaces may be is shown by a famous experiment of Professor Orowan 's with mica .
2 The most striking finding , however , is that the warming effect caused by greenhouse gases may be being slowed both by the effects of sulphur dioxide pollution , and also by the depletion of the ozone layer .
3 Teachers and librarians can not always resist the uneasy thought that they may be being given the soft sell : like demythologizing theologians laughing too heartily at our ideas of what religious doctrine involves , perhaps the educational technologist 's bland " all we are saying is " is simply the prelude to smuggling all the old gadgetry back again while our backs are turned ?
4 The numbers of baby eels in Scandinavian and European rivers are also declining , and the NRA believe that the depopulation may be being caused by an unknown factor , possibly pollution , in the Atlantic .
5 In a worse condition , if a company allowed up to five versions of any drawing to be saved , with drawing blank and logo — as much as 98 per cent of redundant data may be being stored and maintained .
6 Research has indicated how radioactive contaminants may be being introduced into the human food chain via the migration of wildfowl through the Chernobyl region .
7 Nonetheless , something seems to be happening ; a new political machine may be being cranked up .
8 Many older patients who probably neither had asthma nor died of asthma may be being entered into the statistics for asthma mortality because of inappropriate use of the word asthma on death certificates , diagnostic transfer , or coding changes .
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