Example sentences of "could [verb] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She found that by giving a little leap she could stride across almost like a grown-up .
2 Encouraged by friendlier tax treatment , U.K. sales could double between now and 1997 .
3 The ability to store more food than we could eat at once also meant being able to buy and sell it in real quantity and the merchant cities arose .
4 you could eat at anywhere in Spain for less than a tenner any day
5 ‘ Mr Roirbak said we could eat in here ? ’
6 But even if he chose lucky and came straight for the exit I had taken , I reckoned I could make at least twenty yards before he would open the door behind me .
7 Erm on the basis that er we were , when we were setting the , the targets , the time was set by the work study personnel erm and then the operator was able to obtain a trial run on the time given er and if at the end of the work , he was satisfied that he had made the target bonus , or near enough , or if he was satisfied that , given a little extra opportunity to go back onto that job should it come back again in the near future , then he would , he would see clearly that he could make at least fifty percent er which was the target bonus , and probably more .
8 ‘ Ye gods , Massingham , ’ she went on , covering like fury the fact that he could hurt without even trying , ‘ my memory is vivid that that great a lover you 're not ! ’
9 Theoretical studies and laboratory experiments have indicated that lunar dust could be mobilized by electrical forces which on the Moon could arise from electrically charged particles which impinge on the lunar surface .
10 He could think of nowhere he would rather be than at home , with people he knew and trusted , in a place without secrets .
11 He recommended excursions into the surrounding countryside , and for his class of people he could think of nowhere better to go than to the grounds of the ancestral mansion of Studley park , some ten miles from the town .
12 Almost the only thing he could think of coherently as he peered at the Dutch tiles and crazy paving was that according to his last statement of account he had 67 12s. 9d. in the bank .
13 She could think of only one reason why Barbs should have been jealous of her , and he was sitting there laughing at her .
14 It would be relatively simple — she could think at once of how it could be done : the casual enquiry of a mutual friend with whom she still exchanged Christmas cards , the phone call to the college at which he had been a lecturer .
15 A similar but more complicated arrangement of alternatively spliced exons was reported for the Drosophila muscle MHC ( 15 ) , which showed that multiple isoforms could exist with only small differences in apparent molecular weight .
16 The utility aspect is an obvious one , both for interest and for practical help in itself — cook 's herbs , cosmetic herbs , medicinal herbs , dye herbs , household herbs — any of these groups could include at least ten different species .
17 The man with a gun could wait for ever , but I would be gone .
18 It could wait until later .
19 Surely it could wait till tomorrow .
20 You could wait till then . ’
21 These primitive Orcs used stone weapons , wooden clubs , and what other weaponry they could steal from more advanced races .
22 Prices have fallen from £700 per drive to under £300 in the past two years and could fall to perhaps £100 , forced down by competition from Asian producers .
23 Moreover , he says that the present level of interest rates may mean that instead of prices stagnating next year they could fall by around 10 per cent .
24 Opinion polls predict that the Green alliance could win at least 15-17 per cent of the vote in the elections ; an 18 per cent share would give it a chance of holding the balance of power between left and right in the national assembly .
25 The monastic life was the subject on which Anselm could speak with widely recognized authority and with the power of deep personal experience .
26 Distanced from the day-to-day world of his youthful and not-so-youthful listeners , he could speak with all the more understanding , all the more authority , to their needs .
27 Whatever the size of style of your home , there are bound to be rooms that could benefit from better organised — or just more — storage space .
28 Woolfson estimates the League could benefit by around £2 million if Barnet collapse .
29 Non-swimmers wore coloured bathing hats ; those who could swim at least a length wore white hats , those who had passed the bronze medal wore black caps , and a very few wore silver for the silver medal .
30 They say that Direct Line 's 1992 profits of £15 million could grow to as much as £100 million by 1996 when the company becomes one of the biggest players in insurance industry .
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