Example sentences of "know [prep] many [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They did not know then , were not to know for many years , were never fully to understand what it was that held them together — a sense of being on the margins of English life , perhaps , a sense of being outsiders , looking in from a cold street through a lighted window into a warm lit room that later might prove to be their own ?
2 ( We do n't know of many businesses that shut at 3.30 pm . )
3 ‘ I have lost many friends , and know of many people either HIV positive or with full-blown Aids — not only men , but also women and children .
4 I know of many clusters which I can resolve with my × 20 binoculars , but not with × 12 or lower .
5 There were no violent incidents of that magnitude at Twickenham for the Calcutta Cup match , but I know of many Scots who found the atmosphere unpleasant and have decided not to attend future rugby internationals in London .
6 We know of many violations of the Labour Code , women employed in hard physical labour which should legally be carried out by men .
7 We know from many surveys of public opinion that over 70% of the public would wish their organs to be used for transplantation after death .
8 We know from many studies that quite subtle changes in tasks can significantly alter their difficulty level .
9 Well in a sense how do you know you 're not , as it were you know in many cases .
10 Medieval water engineering is now known for many sites , shown particularly well at Rhuddlan in North Wales , Rievaulx Abbey in North Yorkshire and Kenilworth Castle in Warwickshire , but smaller schemes too have resulted in great changes .
11 It seems a more unlikely plant than most to be a herb , but the whole of it , leaves , stems etc. , consist of about 30 per cent mucilage , and this has a great number of medicinal applications , known for many centuries .
12 Although they have been known for many years their evolutionary position is still hotly debated .
13 Variants of this reaction have been known for many years .
14 Variants of this reaction have been known for many years .
15 FLARES on the Sun have been known for many years to produce powerful bursts of X-rays , gamma-rays and charged particles .
16 I have known for many years , through long observation , that truth IS stranger than fiction .
17 Further study is necessarily being completed ; but the evidence of linkage between the simultaneous appearance of climatic phenomena in Kansas , Chad , Bihar and in the south — eastern Pacific Ocean suggests what all geographers have known for many years — that the globe works as one complete system , one vast interactive machine , and that the divisions man has forced upon it are no more than crudely artificial devices for our own intellectual convenience .
18 It has been known for many years that damage to the left hemisphere is more likely to affect language ability than damage to the right , suggesting that the left hemisphere is very important for language .
19 For example , it is still commonplace in cartoons to show cavemen and dinosaurs together , despite the fact that it has been known for many years that dinosaurs were extinct long before the evolution of ‘ cavemen ’ .
20 It has been known for many years that rich clusters contain a lot of gas and dark matter , but Ponman and Bertram 's result shows that these features apply more generally .
21 It has been known for many years that neurons , like other cells , can be maintained alive and well under such conditions for periods of many days or even weeks , provided they are kept warm , aerated and well fed with glucose and other essential molecules .
22 I am sure that my hon. and gallant Friend , whom I have known for many years and for whom I have a great affection , would agree that about half the best people are women .
23 It has been known for many years that recycling used materials helps make great savings , but it was not until recently that it was realised how much good that it could do for the environment .
24 Although retired , Trevor continues to take an interest in the Stoddard Group as an agent for Lyles , keeping in touch with those he has known for many years .
25 Although the general distribution of earthquakes around the world had been known for many years , it was only with the establishment of a comprehensive network of seismographic stations to monitor underground nuclear weapons testing in the early 1960s that a detailed global picture emerged ( Fig. 2.10 ) .
26 He said Alan Winmill is somebody I have known for many years I regard him as a man of intergrity .
27 In feeling , though not in detail , this stands closer perhaps to another figure known in many copies through which a really great original seems to shine : ‘ Amelung 's goddess ’ ( fig. 81 ) , after the scholar who reconstructed her from copies of the head ( known by a quaint tradition as ‘ Aspasia ’ ) and of the body , one with a Roman portrait-head .
28 The simple , broad-based figure calls for no supports or struts to betray a bronze original ; but the treatment of face and forehead-hair is so like that on two male figures , one a bronze original , the other known in many marble copies certainly after a bronze , that one can be pretty confident that that was the material here too .
29 Mr Jones is well known in many parishes of the diocese , as he has been visiting them in helping to organise their planned giving schemes .
30 Rhynchosaurs did not diversify — radiate — into so many different forms and niches as many other major groups of animals , but they are known from many parts of the world and they certainly did change and evolve with time .
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