Example sentences of "think [prep] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Pupils can not think about or develop sensitivity and discernment concerning what they are in deepest ignorance about , even as not to appreciate that there is anything of which they are ignorant is an even greater indication of the degree of deprivation .
2 Either way , this section looks at some of the things you should think about when arriving at a new location .
3 Recall that we assumed that the nominal quantity of money in the economy , m t , was determined in the following simple way : where g is a known constant ; and v t is a random , serially uncorrelated variable with mean zero , which represents the unpredictable component of the quantity of money , and which we might think of as arising because of , say , faults in the government 's monetary control techniques .
4 However , in society the groups that we might think of as having an influence upon the decision-making processes will be the trade unions , representatives of the business world such as the Confederation of British Industry ( CBI ) , the bureaucracy and political parties .
5 And before the children left they were given a carrier bag with all sorts of things that you could think of and to see the delight on those little children 's faces !
6 It would be idle to pretend that any of the Pacific islands have the kind of economic importance possessed by , say , Korea , or Malaysia , but in addition to potentially immense political importance and no small amount of charm , they have a symbolic significance — for they are what the world still thinks of when confronted with the single word , Pacific .
7 For five hours I had thought about and written about Machu Picchu at the highest level of my consciousness .
8 For some people this is literally the first time they have thought about and felt sensual responses in their own body .
9 In the process of ‘ coming to know ’ , present experience is condensed with similar sensations from the past through which they are relived , thought about and felt .
10 She knows that even something that seems so simple as giving a wash has to be thought about and done in a sensitive way .
11 And I think both of them need to be erm thought about and looked at , but they 're certainly not the same thing .
12 In spite of all this , the design process itself is often thought about and executed without any formal considerations about people .
13 All these points should be thought about and considered in relation to the space you have to play with ( a square room , rectangular room , cramped galley , and so on ) as well as any existing appliances , and should certainly give you a clearer idea of the sort of room that will answer your needs .
14 After a meal , when relaxing over a cup of coffee , it is easier to discuss important matters — even a crisis can usually wait for an hour or so before being thought about and tackled .
15 In a conflict situation , have you ever behaved badly towards anyone else ; intentionally or unintentionally heaping upon them the blame you attribute to any of the figures you 've just thought about and identified ?
16 I know this was the first time they 'd ever thought of or considered themselves as artists , before that I guess they just thought they were lucky .
17 I do not think that the conch would have been thought of or used , at least to start , but the girls would have probably got together into one large group as the boys did , although with sub-divisions of especial friends .
18 Its part is written in the treble clef but by a curious quirk of transposition gives the actual notes sounded if the bass clef is thought of as displacing the treble .
19 As far as the working classes were concerned all that was needed was managers who could determine the right mix of films and the right range of prices to suit the specific down-town drop-in cinemas and even more the neighbourhood and small-town cinemas that were now increasingly thought of as catering for ‘ industrial ’ or working-men audiences .
20 the gay male parody of a certain femininity , which , as others have argued , may itself be an elaborate social construct , is both a way of giving vent to the hostility toward women that probably afflicts every male ( and which male heterosexuals have of course expressed in infinitely nastier and more effective ways ) and could paradoxically be thought of as helping to deconstruct that image for women themselves …
21 While to some extent the harmful and the helpful beings in the Chewong universe can be thought of as opposed , they do not fall into neatly discernible complementary categories .
22 They all insist on the centrality of Jesus , but incline then to explain that centrality in terms of something more general or universal , which is thought of as exemplified in him , and then as spreading out from him and moving on through history .
23 The Exodus narrative , identifying the God of Israel as the worker of wonders such as those which led Pharoah to release the Israelites from Egypt , could easily be thought of as referring to one god among many .
24 Electromagnetic energy can be thought of as moving in a wave-like pattern at the speed of light .
25 The multiple choice format can , in this case , be thought of as demanding a similar sort of thinking to that required when checking an answer obtained by measurement or calculation to see if it is sensible .
26 While it is well recognised that London has its own distinctive speech , characterised by features of accent and grammar in particular , there are surprisingly few " dialect " studies of London ( in contrast with , for example , areas more traditionally thought of as using " dialect " , such as Lancashire or Norfolk ) .
27 The purpose of this thought experiment is to draw attention to the fact that a number of pragmatic phenomena can be explicated by reference to just these sorts of features : for example , as we shall see , deixis can be thought of as based on the assumption of mutual orientation , presupposition on the assumption of shared knowledge of a domain and its updating , speech acts on the making explicit , for other participants , of one 's interactional goals , conversational implicature on the assumption of interactional co-operation , and so on .
28 Each subtractive primary can be thought of as taking away a component from white ; thus yellow is , ‘ minus blue ’ and magenta is ‘ minus green ’ so a mixture of yellow and magenta inks will produce white minus blue minus green — in other words , red .
29 Ethics is normally thought of as dealing with questions of action , asking how we ought to act , what it is , in various circumstances , our duty to do , and how we can know it .
30 All these particle facts can be put together in the following way : A state ( the photon polarised along x " ) can be thought of as composed of a combination ( the technical term is a superposition ) of other states ( the photon polarised along y , which is transmitted , and the photon polarised along x , which is not transmitted ) .
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