Example sentences of "up [coord] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Where judgment is given in a default action ( Ord 9 , r 6(1) ) for payment forthwith , it need not be drawn up or served unless a request to issue enforcement proceedings has not been made , or the plaintiff has abandoned part of his claim without amending his particulars of claim and serving the defendant , or where the judgment is interlocutory ( N 17 ) or where a Certificate for judgment under s 12 of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 is to be sought ( Ord 22 , r 1(3) ) .
2 For example : After payment of the Preference Dividend and the Preferred Dividend payable in respect of each financial year of the Company ( including any Arrears of the same ) the Company shall [ subject to provisions of clause … of the facility agreement ] pay to the Ordinary Shareholders out of the balance of any profits available for distribution a non-cumulative dividend of such amount as the Company shall determine ( but not exceeding the amount recommended by the Directors such recommendation to include the consent of the Investors ' Director ) on the capital from time to time paid up or credited as paid up on each Ordinary Share .
3 Sometimes , too , information was deliberately falsified , misrepresented , touched up or omitted or withheld from the pope , as by the emissaries of Baldwin IX of Flanders .
4 The other best bit about sleeping with Marie is waking up and seeing if she 's awake .
5 I think if he 's making pronouncements which are being picked up and treated as very important , and they 're only being treated as important because of his position then he should be ba , getting his facts right !
6 But whatever you do , do not send out a general mailing and then ring up and ask whether the recipient is going to use it or not .
7 There were some weekends when he would phone me up and ask if he could come round because he 'd thought of something new for me to do , and he 'd jump into his car and come all the way just to give me a new inflection on a word ! ’
8 But this still confirms my point , since such forms spring up and disappear as if by the act of an experimenting ( and frequently unsuccessful ) creator .
9 A sense of detachment might produce a sharper view , but he felt unreal , as if the scene he was viewing was nothing more than a backdrop at a theatre which might roll itself up and disappear when the present act was over .
10 One thing , you need to go to the bathroom or , or to get a drink , says wake up and go and do it , the other thing , th th the desire to go on sleeping , says you know , well do n't wake now , I want to go on sleeping .
11 pick your gun up and go and shoot .
12 It 's very easy for young people to come into politics , full of enthusiasm and full up of get up get up and go and many of them get up and go after a few years .
13 I either have to remove existing fee paying patients from the Health Service or sell up and go and do something else .
14 I agree with what you 're saying , but we should also look at what we do , for instance David when you go out you virtually never divert your telephone , everytime you go out ten minutes later I get up and go and divert your phone for you , if we get into the habit of diverting our phones then we we would n't have that problem .
15 And when he got there the bloke said oh just pull up and go and get it done now , I said now any other man would of gone in the cafe and thought right , I would of been drop now till twelve
16 Get up and go and sit down .
17 He has to stick his head up and go where the fuck has it gone ?
18 Eventually Linda gave it up and admitted that Marilyn Duxbody was not present but added , with overtones of hysteria , that she expected her any minute .
19 Mrs Johnson said ‘ No ! ’ indignantly , and Mrs Stych woke up and checked that the girl had her name down correctly , too .
20 The older castles were patched up and redefended but the raids continued , increasing in severity ; it took almost twenty years before the authorities finally awoke to the extent of the problem .
21 Chrissie looked up and saw that Jack was wearing his jacket .
22 One very hot morning , when she was about nine years old , she woke up and saw that instead of Kamala there was a different Indian servant by her bed .
23 Alexei looked up and saw that Kadan was laughing openly .
24 In confusion again , Louisa looked up and saw that the light was performing wondrously now across the lake .
25 You were here when I left , and then when I was passing I looked up and saw that your desk light was still on .
26 She looked up and saw that he was standing over her .
27 His voice was low , and she glanced up and saw that he was watching her with a strange kind of intensity .
28 She looked up and saw that the lights had changed to green and as the car behind her sounded its horn she let out the clutch too quickly and the car lurched forward .
29 The morning I woke up and realised that perhaps the reason I resented young Tulloch s much was because I too was an observer of human beings and that this most likely derived from an equal failure to establish satisfactory human relationships , was not a happy one .
30 It 's about time that you grew up and realised that I can not possibly be dancing attendance on you every five minutes . ’
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