Example sentences of "up and [verb] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 Now I go up and get myself ready . "
2 ‘ Very well , go up and help yourself , ’ he replied .
3 It is only then that I can get up and interpose myself between his wet shirtfront and the sink , where the suds soak into my lower back .
4 The tall heavy , dark-haired with thick brows too close together , stood up and balanced himself on the balls of his feet .
5 She stood up and thought herself back into the Mayor 's office .
6 Eventually Don grappled with the critical section , and with a quick windmill of arms and legs was up and establishing himself on the next stance .
8 Yeah and she 's totally focused , she 's er , I think she 's got two children erm her husbands works , she 's got two children she 's brought up and developed herself to be a branch manager or assistant branch manager er she 's got a degree h now do n't listen to this Lorraine , who it said mid thirties
9 I had a coffee and some toast , washed up and let myself out .
10 He put his coffee cup down on a pile of English magazines , got up and stretched himself .
11 He stood up and stretched himself .
12 Most days when it is severe , I simply get up and immerse myself in work .
13 ‘ You 've got to have the right bloke mind , ’ Yanto smiled at her , as she stood up and shrouded herself in his blanket .
14 One woman derelict told her that after living with three husbands for twenty-five years she had decided to give them up and devote herself to the task of viewing the Cathedrals and Abbeys of the British Isles .
15 Then Fif 's mandroids pushed their way through , and in the melee I managed to scuttle on hands and knees among all the legs before getting up and getting myself and my aching face away from there .
16 ‘ Unhand me , sir , ’ she cried , leaping up and throwing herself hysterically into Samuel 's arms .
17 In the end he got up and made himself some coffee , then watched the early morning skies above Manhattan as he recalled the past .
18 She looked up and made herself say :
19 She looked up and made herself meet his eyes .
20 Yes , but erm , but Chairman , er , I do n't think I should come up and make myself clear , some local papers were not represented there .
21 Now you will get up and make yourself presentable — I 'll see to it that the wardrobe shall provide you with clothes that will fit tolerably — and you will come to supper at my table and take your place among your peers , and behave yourself like a man and a Talvace , instead of a sick and thwarted girl . ’
22 Isobel looked up and laughed herself , her nose wrinkling up like a child 's .
23 The Doctor pulled himself up and dusted himself down .
24 But in a moment he sat up and dusted himself .
25 Anabelle picked herself up and dusted herself off .
26 Why do n't you just pull your socks up and smarten yourselves up ?
27 up and take yourself out .
28 Then he seemed to rise up and throw himself backwards and completely roll over ; then he was parallel to the ground again .
29 — Jesus , I wake up and find myself transformed .
30 We got up and found ourselves roped in to join a group of Fathers dressed in light gear , as it was a hot day .
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