Example sentences of "her [adj] [noun] give " in BNC.

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1 So too does Rosalind Russell ; perhaps she sounds a little old for the part , but her dry tones give her numbers a splendidly acerbic edge .
2 I was still nursing my Freddieland injuries , and the way she was looking at me with her unflinching gaze gave me a queasy feeling I 'd only narrowly avoided providing lunch .
3 Compare the description of her social life given by Linda Farrell , a delivery man 's wife , with that given by Margaret Nicholson , the wife of the director of a publishing firm .
4 She 's all of five feet five but I suppose her slim build gives the impression of being petite …
5 Her real mum gave her a lot of support , and so did I. But supporting her does n't mean hiding what I think .
6 ‘ Well , sir , I fear there is nothing you can do except what is done already , which is to keep Mrs Browning calm and quiet and endeavour to feed her nourishing food to give her back some strength . ’
7 Her bruised face gave her a new look of vulnerability .
8 Gradually , as her need became overwhelming and his stroking intensified , she lost all her feelings of protectiveness for him , forgot that she was older than he , forgot everything except his touch , his strength , his love for her and her passionate longing to give him everything .
9 Her white jacket gave no sign of this .
10 Her dry observations on race , class and gender in the Caribbean are made almost in passing , but her knowing smile gives them a ring of authority .
11 Sue has an army of researchers testing products and companies know that if her monthly magazine gives an item the thumbs-down , they can almost certainly write it off .
12 Needless to say , her new-found potency gave rise to deep misgivings about his own sexual adequacy .
13 Her skin was a pale olive colour but absolutely clear and her magnificent eyes gave her face all the definition it needed .
14 Her previous calm gave away to terror that escalated until it threatened to overwhelm her .
15 Perhaps Marcus had read her previous reticence to give herself completely to him as boredom with the scenario of casual individual relationships which were par for the course for their contemporaries , and had laid on a partner-swapping party to titillate her interest .
16 But , though there is no engagement ring yet on Jill 's finger , that look in her sparkling eyes gives us all the best possible hope .
17 And she had obviously been right to guess that her assistant possessed more initiative than her current employer gave her credit for .
18 Her frantic anxiety gave Marie extra strength : it was only her brute force that dragged the drum back when it skidded off the path and began to slither over the grass down towards the channel .
19 The mare 's head and tail held high would provide clear alarm signals to any other horse , but her forward-pointing ears give the game away — she 's not running away from anything .
20 ‘ Why , Gina ? ’ he prompted again softly as she tried to arrange her jumbled thoughts to give a reason without betraying how deeply hurt she felt .
21 Despite this , her general practitioner gave anti-anginal medication without benefit .
22 Interesting and indeed impressive as it might have been to learn that the drinking water was purified through an electric purifier , and that the shower contained a tension-soothing massage attachment , everything paled into insignificance beside her overwhelming desire to give her loathsome husband 's shins a very painful kick !
23 She was inclining her head , and nodding periodically , but her fidgeting fingers gave Lee the confidence to wave across the room and catch her attention .
24 Once she had been attractive , with a good figure : now she was painfully thin and her sharp features gave her a pinched look .
25 She was blonde and doll-faced , but her blue eyes gave the impression that she 'd just about seen everything , and rather more than was healthy for so short a life .
26 To Kate it was more evidence of her importance to him , and her treacherous heart gave a leap of hope .
27 Elizabeth was brave and helped us ; her sweet smile gave us some happiness in the unhappy days after my mother 's death .
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