Example sentences of "we can have [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Scott ( RH ) : And we can have jokes and things like they do now .
2 Well that 's as far as I want to go with this , this particular topic , erm as is my practice I 'm ending now so that we can have questions .
3 We can have showers later , ’ Loretta promised .
4 We can have independence but not reform .
5 I 'll get Dave to set the alarm and then we can have breakfast before we sort of rush out .
6 If someone was looking for The Bar in those days — because there was no name written up or sign for it , no lights at all , and not even a number on the door , Madame liked to keep it that way even when she did n't have to any more — I mean when she opened up we may all have been in a sort of hiding , and not many people knew about The Bar and our life there , but it was n't that way later , and now you know we can have lights and advertising and you see boys queueing up outside every night , very public , and I like to see that — but in those days , in those days if somebody arranged to meet you for a date there , and it was their first time and they were n't sure how to find us , you 'd joke with them , and you 'd say well first there is a wedding , and then there 's a death , and there 's the news , and then there 's us ; meaning , first there 's the shop with the flowers , the real ones , and next door to that is the undertaker 's with the fake flowers in the window , china , all dusty ; and then the newsagent 's and magazine shop , and then right next door to that is The Bar .
7 We can have cakes for tea . ’
8 On beginners ' courses we can have adults in four metre Europas alongside kids in Rotobats whilst the bigger kids soon move on to playboats and squirt boats .
9 We can have mash with it ca n't we ?
10 So that as well as measuring pressures , we can have flow and volume data on the same patients and the technique that we now use is to bring these patients in er to challenge them with a large fluid load , er they get an antibiotic , which is actually part of the way that we fund this study , they have a
11 At Pizzaland we can have starter for one pound thirty if we want !
12 Chairman , could I just mention to the Committee , on Shropshire child care links , erm , the County Council of course , is also the registration body that erm , registers childminders and day care , and erm , while obviously this is very much to be supported and ties in with Social Services ' own requirements to promote child care , it should not be seen , and we should perhaps , Bruce make a , we can have discussions with , we should be careful to endorse , the giving of this money does n't necessarily imply or endorse the standards of the people on their books , who may be people that the County Council in another arm , are investigating and in some cases , taking action to close down .
13 McHale said last night : ‘ Middlesbrough have left us in a difficult situation because they wo n't be able to tell us if we can have Ian until tomorrow .
14 ‘ How long till we can have water , Comrade ? ’
15 I mean , he ca reckons we can have draft copies done .
16 We can have supper , now , and you 'll be the belle of the ball . ’
17 I think if we get everybody by ooh , ten thirty we can have sort of a game of strip Trivial Pursuit .
18 But it is difficult to see how we can have sensitivity to plants and rivers , trees and ecosystems if we have no sensitivity to the caged animal , or the animal undergoing product-testing or about to be slaughtered .
19 Perhaps we can have dinner some other time . ’
20 And we can have bases and a permanent presence in the Middle East if we wish .
21 We can have ideas of things we have not experienced .
22 If we can go ashore we can have coffee and Tony and I can put on our anoraks .
23 I think it might be useful to break there so we can have coffee .
24 You know , because we can have television
25 He added : ‘ We can have DSS men drive to deliver claims forms to hippie itinerants contributing nothing to this country .
26 It might be easier to get I do n't think we can have banks , because I would of .
27 Just as we can have polynomials involving powers of a scalar quantity{ gl } , e.g. unc so we can have polynomials of a square matrix A : unc where the unc are scalar multipliers .
28 Just as we can have polynomials involving powers of a scalar quantity{ gl } , e.g. unc so we can have polynomials of a square matrix A : unc where the unc are scalar multipliers .
29 Length can be obtained by simple means : as one canon ends it can continue by voices changing roles — the following voice becoming the leading one — ; and perhaps register ; the polyphony can be altered to canon by inversion , or the parts move backwards in retrograde or as a crab canon ; we can have episodes where augmentation lengthens note-values or diminution shortens them , and towards the end a ‘ stretto ’ can bring imitations at closer intervals , giving a sense of culmination .
30 There are two things we can do with hair on the upper lip , we can either bleach it so that it does n't notice , or we can actually remove it with wax , or we can have electrolysis .
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