Example sentences of "but [conj] [pron] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 one crucial thematic differentiation between ‘ genuine art ’ and that offered by the Culture Industry : both raise the issue and the possibility of happiness in their very being , as it were , and neither provides it ; but where one keeps faith with it by negation and suffering , the other assures us it is taking place .
2 There are times when making a certain promise ( say to look after a friend 's child if the friend dies before the child comes of age ) are morally worthwhile but where one does not have an obligation to make them ( remember that in this example too one may find other adequate ways to help one 's friend ) .
3 But where one concludes from this that theistic terms can not be understood , the other concludes that they are the language of ‘ faith ’ , directly given to the believer by God .
4 But where she differs from Miss Finlay Johnson is that she looks beyond the facts to more universal implications of any particular topic .
5 But where you sees two for the price of one , you 're effectively gon na be getting a fifty percent
6 This campaign has not yet been applied to all Allied 's large stores , but where it has run , sales have increased and research shows a clear improvement in consumer perceptions .
7 But where it works , it works wonderfully .
8 Fashion areas are discrete and not democratized , by and large , but where it counts — in the discerning eye of the beholder — it has become an increasingly troublesome factor in determining who 's who .
9 The term of the grant is sixteen years , but where it appears that a patentee has been insufficiently remunerated , the Court may extend the term for a period not exceeding five , or , in an exceptional case , ten years .
10 It is most unlikely for an odour per se to cause actual physical damage , but where it causes a diminution in the selling value of the property or injures the plaintiff 's business by , for example , causing potential customers to be lost , this may be regarded as sufficient invasion of the plaintiff 's interest to be tortious .
11 But where there has been a single incident , the claim to ignorance may carry some plausibility , and be difficult for a prosecutor to overcome .
12 But where he spells out ( sometimes in capitals or in italics ) the implications of his observation , she leaves her readers to make their own deductions .
13 Yes , they had injuries , but so everybody does .
14 It 's not that he ceases altogether to be the eternal student , but that he becomes reshaped and misshaped into an aberration .
15 Our charge against the metaphysician is not that he attempts to employ the understanding in a field where it can not possibly venture , but that he produces sentences which fail to conform to the conditions under which alone a sentence can be literally significant .
16 I thank the Secretary of State for giving way , he he did say that erm er the figures in these report were in a sense provisional at the end of last year , erm but that he feels erm , with the passing of time , nothing has happened to change his view .
17 I feel that he is really saying not that he sees the cleverness and the artistic quality of the painting or the message in the paintings as might first be assumed , but that he understands what the church is doing , instead of helping the poor , it was showing the pictures to educate them about God .
18 He says the ball is now in their court , but that he hopes to return to science with the company .
19 Is not the truth of the matter not only that the Secretary of State is doing nothing about the housing needs of the service men and women who will be made redundant , but that he does not even know the facts ?
20 Such questions are worth distinguishing , however , because there are moral philosophers today who think that Kant effectively answered the third correctly , but that he offers no sufficient answer to the second .
21 It is not a matter of showing that he is entitled to have authority , but that he has it , that he is in authority , with all the consequences which follow from this fact .
22 Kant does not think he is putting forward a doctrine on the basis of which ordinary morality can be criticised , but that he has formulated the principles by which all good people implicitly know they should , and in their hearts do , judge their conduct .
23 So deviation is a matter of degree , and at some indefinite point it becomes significant not that a writer has chosen x rather than y or z , but that he has chosen x at all .
24 He reveals that in fact he is Szendrey , but that he has had to change his name in order to escape persecution by the Communists .
25 When they are finally allowed to return a year and a half later , they discover that Xorandor and seventeen of his children are under close surveillance in different parts of the world , but that he has ‘ programmed ’ them to escape and neutralize nuclear missiles .
26 I understand that not even her husband is given access to her , but that he has recently been allowed to write letters to her .
27 This sceptic is a hard-nosed person who claims that most people allow themselves to be persuaded by what is really rather weak evidence , but that he needs more than that to convince him .
28 When Roderigo , ‘ this poor trash of Venice ’ , leaves , Iago tells us that his plan is still vague , but that he intends to bring Othello to the point where surface and reality are so inverted that he will ‘ thank ’ Iago for making him an ass , In the event , Iago succeeds in making Cassio drunk , proceeds to ‘ put ’ him into an ‘ action ’ that — just like the tribunes ' manipulation — degrades him yet ‘ approves my dream ’ ( II.iii.58ff. ) — his fantasy or plan of success .
29 The way that most materialists try to reconcile their flight from behaviourism with their materialist world picture is to say that when V sees something , and BS observes V 's brain , BS knows everything about V 's mental states that V himself knows , but that he knows about it in a different way .
30 What persuades Quine , however , is not that his examples are so convincing but that he knows that there must be some examples , and these look like the best candidates .
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