Example sentences of "she out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 And she was to , she took over the Queen when she out of the country !
2 Less than two hours later , a city-centre taxi let her out under the lighted awning of the hotel by the park .
3 The next thing she knew James Halden was carrying her out through the yard in strong , muscular arms .
4 We trotted down the long flights of stairs and I followed her out through the front door .
5 She led her out through the door .
6 ‘ Take the cases ! ’ said Damian bitingly , his hand gripping Rachel 's arm and marching her out through the sliding doors to the limousine .
7 But , leaving her for a brief while , he went to instruct Ivo to drive her back to her hotel , and then escorted her out through the front door .
8 All magicians can be tested by laughter because corruption can not stand mockery ; and when his daughter laughed at him he drove her out into the wilderness , and she lived in the wilderness with the wild beasts and angels ministered to her .
9 I suppose , technically speaking , ’ he paused , ‘ if you put her out into the road she would have no roof over her head and we should have to take her in . ’
10 What I 'm saying is that he would n't have taken her out into the woods .
11 ‘ Then they said they would need the cubicle and wheeled her out into the corridor opposite a phone . ’
12 He took Anne 's arm and dragged her out into the hallway , towards the stairs .
13 He led her out into the huge marble-floored foyer .
14 You took her out into the road and … uh … battered her fatally .
15 When there came , in the distance , the sound of another bell ringing , the girl from the next cubicle actually came in and tugged her out into the room , whispering , ‘ You 've got to line up ! ’
16 " No , it 's his son , " said Walter , shepherding her out into the street .
17 It was a nice yarn of respectable girl from despicable family , married to a stuffed shirt who would cast her out into the snow if a breath of suspicion fell on his name .
18 He shouts her out into the street for a harlot .
19 He escorted her out into the street , held the car door open for her , leaning in the window as she started the engine , exhorting caution .
20 With a curt nod he beckoned the waiter , settled the bill , ushered her out into the silky darkness .
21 And he keeps shooing her out into the cold hard world . ’
22 Then she was able to take the mental step that brought her out into the light again .
23 Kate said nothing , just allowed him to lead her out into the winter sunshine towards the waiting car .
24 The boy carried her out into the snow and pushed her into the ground , turning her so that she faced the tent and the cluster of trees that formed their crude and failing shelter .
25 Instead of shaking it , however , he grabbed it and pulled her out into the street .
26 She had wanted to get back to her hotel and away from him but , first , he had insisted on driving her out into the wilderness , and now he had marooned them .
27 He signalled to the waiter that he had put two twenty-peseta notes on the table , and led her out into the afternoon sun .
28 ‘ And there were n't any other reasons why you sounded her out about the job ? ’
29 ‘ So that seems to rule her out as the murderer , ’ Blanche concluded with a sigh of relief .
30 Until a few weeks ago she had been scarcely aware of him except as a friendly and familiar face in class ; but now , now she was very much aware of him — and he was very definitely aware of her ; much to Erika 's embarrassment sitting with her and Rosa at lunch , at the next desk in class , asking her out to the cinema and even , to Erika 's amazement and , she suspected , his own , offering to help Paul with his homework — in the Nordern home , that is — an offer declined both by Erika and Paul , although Paul did corner Fritz in school and suggest to him that if he actually did the homework then he , Paul , would further his , Fritz 's , courtship of Erika ; Paul being shrewd enough to guess the motive behind Fritz 's philanthropic gesture even though the square on the hypotenuse might remain a mystery to him .
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