Example sentences of "this is [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It can therefore be assumed that Miller 's message from this is that betrayal is wrong — it is the act of betrayal which finally destroys Eddie 's happiness forever .
2 This is that kind of book .
3 A possible conclusion to be drawn from this is that management can provide alternative more attractive forms of work organisation but these may be at higher cost .
4 One justification for this is that gravity is so weak that quantum gravitational effects would be large only at particle energies way beyond those in any particle accelerator .
5 The most obvious reason for this is that neuro-science has not yet reached the point where it is possible to describe language as a direct manifestation of underlying physiological of neurological states .
6 A main reason for this is that preparation for housewifery is intermingled with socialization for the feminine gender role in the wider sense .
7 A straightforward explanation for this is that inflation affects all voters whereas unemployment tends to be heavily concentrated on ( as far as the UK is concerned ) areas not noted for extensive Conservative support .
8 This is that empiricism leads to verificationism , and verificationism embodies the foundationalist asymmetries .
9 One implication of this is that evaluation procedures are usually better developed in-house than bought in from other institutions .
10 A sufficient reason for this is that M may be an adjective or a verb , neither of which would normally be considered as having a referent .
11 The response to this is that intentionality and consciousness are emergent properties of physical systems .
12 The advantage of this is that space is used economically .
13 One reason for this is that reading development is normally closely related to children 's knowledge of spoken language .
14 The major reason for this is that exchange markets appear to be fairly volatile , and therefore governments have required large reserves of foreign currencies to moderate unwanted fluctuations in the exchange value of their currencies .
15 Computers in general have undoubtedly allowed us more dive time , but a consequence of this is that ascent speeds are now critical .
16 What 's even more special about this is that Lindsey 's back with us too . ’
17 Nor do I believe that the conclusion to be drawn from all this is that life is a miserable business .
18 The moral of this is that rationality , at least as narrowly defined , does not ‘ add-up ’ .
19 Part of the explanation for this is that government spending tends to be planned over a number of years ( e.g. hospitals , schools , and other capital expenditures take several years to complete , and governments are reluctant to dismiss teachers , policemen , and other employees for short-term economic reasons ) ; consequently such expenditure tends to be fairly inflexible , especially downwards , in the short run .
20 This is that section 4(2) serves as a useful reminder of the consequences which may follow when an obscure common law power ( which seems to have been rarely used ) is restated in statutory form .
21 What can be deduced from this is that religion as he understands it involves belief in an ordered moral government of the whole universe and in the fact that religious and ethical ideals should inform all our actions .
22 My reason or excuse for this is that interest in scepticism has revived .
23 Erm I do n't know , I , I , I , I I just feel that this is that sort of exercise where er
24 The effect of this is that equity shares , or rights to them , can be allotted as subscribers ' shares , bonus shares or pursuant to an employees ' share scheme without first offering pre-emptive rights .
25 Erm I had a phone call just before I came out , area area party , so this 'll come It 's about actually in the ward which we narrowly missed getting last time just by erm not even a very strong The by election is on September twenty third and we want leafleters this weekend , so if anybody is able to go on leafleting , which is right between It 's er I 've got the phone number for Forgot the surname but she works with Bob , so if you ring up and say this Is that Linda who works with Bob .
26 The rationale for this is that intervention can not replace natural developmental processes , but only complement them ; it is therefore necessary to ensure that structured attempts at intervention and ‘ natural developmental processes ’ are working in unison .
27 This is that market research I 'm doing .
28 The main reason for this is that extraction of many types of information from corpora usually pre-supposes the capability to automatically analyse the raw text in various ways .
29 The difficulty with this is that theory and observation are unbalanced .
30 This is that thing called change .
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